Can you be a homosexual AND a Christian?

Dark Virtue

New Member
I caught the last half of "30 Days" last night, where this young, straight Army reservist lived in San Francisco for 30 days around homosexuals. During his stay he visited a Christian church whose pastor was a lesbian.

Obviously she believed that she was justified, through the Bible, that being a homosexual was fine.

This thread melds a few others. Is she justified in her belief? Is she wrong? Is she a "true" Christian? According to the definition posted earlier, she IS a true Christian; she has accepted Christ as her lord and savior.

What do you think?

EDIT: I forgot to post a link that may help:
Gandhi said:
Y wouldn't she be, she believes in Jesus and she follows the bible.

well this is a HUGE contraversy in the church.. it's ripping some people in two.. the bible says somewhere.. i'm sure someone knows where but it says "...a man with a woman and a woman with a man" or somthing along those lines, some people say it's referring to the order of things.. like a man as the head of the house hold or somthing... and others say its directed towards homosexuality.. some would say the girl is not following the bible.. and others would say she is fine..

... but i can say that this topic is going to get hot...
hescominsoon said:
NO you cannot be homosexual and truly be a Christian.

So what would you say to someone that says they are both?

god specifically calls homosexuality an abomination.

Just wondering if you looked at the site and how they got around that issue.

if you are trule a christian you do not continue to do things of a nature that the Lord finds abomidable.

So you disagree with Gen's definition of a true Christian? If so, please give us yours. The last time I checked, "Christians" were still lying, cheating, stealing, killing, sleeping around, doing all sorts of things that are abominable to God. Are they not TRUE Christians? Only quasi Christians?

When you truly become saved you become a new creature in Christ.

When do you become "saved"? When you stop lying, cheating, stealing, et al? Can't you be a "new creature" and still sin? If so, why can't you be a homosexual AND a Christian?

I am not saying the change is always instant either..:)

When do you consider the change complete?

If you're a homosexual, can you only be a "true" Christian once you become heterosexual? If that's the case, then what about lying? Can you only become a "true" Christian once you stop lying?
Its impossible for ANYONE christian or not, to stop sinning all together, but, it doesn't look like she is gonna even TRY to not sin, everyone is gonna sin, but, to not try to change is a different story. When you accept the lord, you should want to be more like christ, but, when you just keep doing what your doing, thats why, I, dont think you can truly be a christian and not try to change out of your old habits.
Good point.

BUT..according to that site, it's NOT a sin.

AND, that was derived from the Bible.

Now what do you say to that?
if thats how they feel led.. so be it, i really hope for their sake it's not in vain... all i know is what i am and i am doing.. hopfully all of us here that are christian rely fully on god and rely on him to lead us to whats right in these situations...
Ummm, i have NO idea, how they got it from the bible that it was not a sin. Doing anything that is the oposite of Gods design is sin. And Gods design was for a man and woman, not the opposite.1Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither sexually immoral nor idolater nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders" I think that clearly states that it is a sin.
I find it interesting how the church is trying to reach homosexuals exclusively. Isn't the whole world supposed to be saved? It sounds like another AA program where Christ isn't even at the center of the organization anymore. That's not my judgement, just a perspective (there's a difference, right?).
I believe one can be a true Christian and a homosexual at the same time. The Bible is pretty clear about homosexuality but that does not prevent anyone from accepting Christ. God does not call us as perfect sinless people. None of us fit the mold. The questions comes up though...what are you going to do with your faith? It is true that faith without works is dead, but does that affect your salvation. I don't think so.

So, according to the new testament Romans 1:24-32 covers homosexuality (along with other sinful behaviors). Now what someone will choose to do with this up to them.
I agree with Genesis. It says quite clearly that a little sin is as bad as a big sin. If you sin just once in a minor way then you are equal before God with the worst offender.

The key to salvation and the forgiveness of all your sins is your acceptance of God the Father as the creator and Lord of all and Jesus Christ his son as the only route to the Father and the saviour of mankind. Isn't it? Or did I miss something?

So a practicing Homosexual who believes as above will have his/her sin wiped from her on the day of Judgement and be accepted into Heaven. Whether his/her homosexuality will be "cured" at that time is pure speculation - but it is presumed so.
Can you be a homosexual AND a Christian?

Yep. Same as you can be an alcoholic and a Christian, a wife-beater and a Christian, a bigot and a Christian. All of those things are sins, which, as Eon said, are seen the same as lesser offenses like telling a little white lie or even speeding while driving. All are in need of the same level of forgiveness.

I would find it hard to believe that God would deny Heaven to someone who has put their faith in Jesus on the basis of a sin they may have been taught was a natural action that they may believe is something that they cannot control anyway.

^^run-on sentence, my apologies
Wanting to be respectful Let me add this 2 cents

Please go to the religious tolerance site and read all you can about homosexuality and the bible find the original meanings being inferred to and get all the facts and the translation.

Can you be a Christian and seek God; falling short of the Glory of God and falling in the trap of Homosexuality?

Let me make it more simplistic

Can you or me fall in to the trap of sexual sin and be a Christian,


Can you be a homosexual and a Christian?


Let me add The bible does not promote anywhere same sex Sexual relationship. But I do feel the majority ofchristains are not grasping the true and full context of whats being expressed about in the tranlations.

But homosexuality is not a free ticket to hell; like any sin, its a sin, no worse than lust; murder, stealing or lying.

Just my 2 cents

I expect change :)
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Everyone sins. Anyone who denies that is a liar. That's not the point. The point is that if someone uses what is discussed here as an excuse to lead a purposefully sinful life and believe that they are going to heaven, and that is a very dangerous thing.

When a person accepts Jesus, He will want to change that person. If that person rejects the change and continues to sin without regard then that person is not truly saved.

The true Christian will repent (which means to turn away from) their sin and live Holy lives for Christ [cf. Romans 6:6-23]

Also keep in-mind that just because someone is saved does not give them a free pass to sin; that needs to be stated clearly and it cannot be stated enough. A lot of people think "Oh well, I'm saved now so I can do whatever I want and still go to Heaven"... Let me tell you, that is heresy and God will not stand for it.

Judge a tree by its fruit, if the person is truly a Christian, their lives will show it.
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According to some definitions there is even time afterwards - unless you die on the day of judgement.
This thread worries me. The question that arrises in my mind after reading several of the responses here is this...What does it mean to 'accept Christ'? Expressing a belief in Christ is not enough. Even the demons believe...

To believe that Christ is the Son of God is not enough! As James posted we must repent of our sin and ask forgiveness. Repenting is feeling sorry for the sin we commit and desiring to change it. There is a huge difference between sinning and living in sin.

Once a person becomes a Christian one of the fruits of their faith should be to stop living in sin. Being an active homosexual is a lifestyle of sin. A homosexual can become a Christian and it has happened often. However, if someone repents of their sin and accepts Christ as their personal savior, they will (over time) stop living their lifestyle of sin.

Having said that, homosexuallity is definitely not the only lifestyle of sin. There are many others. Would a homosexual who becomes a Christian by repenting of their sin lose their salvation if they slipped back into their sin for a time? I don't believe so. We all make mistakes and sin. But is a homosexual who continues their lifestyle unabated and refuses to repent a Christian? I don't believe so.

And for anyone who can derive from the Bible that homosexuallity is not a the whole Bible in context please:) There are sssooo many references to it being a grievous sin.

Don't you love the way DV brings these topics up to watch us disagree with

You have to remember DV that Christian does not mean perfect:)
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