Burn the Witch!


New Member
"If she weighs the same as a duck then she is a witch!"

So my "official" Main toon is Josia the Witch Hunter. I wanted to start a Thread on discussing this class.

Anyone found any good Witch Hunter sites or articles?

Any advice or comments on the class?

Put them all here and lets discuss.
We have a player named Kutluch in our guild who i played with last night in some Tier 3 scenarios that is level 22-23. He goes by the name Guilo on vent. He's very talented, knowing who to target an how in RvR. I'd try getting into a conversation with him on tactics and strats concerning this toon.
So far this class is hard to part with. Though I dislike failure (who doesn't?), I find it's hard to switch to another class and not be missing my lovely witch hunter class. The damage and invisibility and working with others like-mindedness is too overwhelmingly deliciously enjoyable. :-)
Hmm, I forgot to check these forums... just saw your thread a month late. If you still need help, send me a PM in game, my name's Kutluch, I'm rank 40 and I'm a torch-aholic (just to continue Deut's way of introduction) WH.

More people need to roll Witch Hunters, it's the be all, end all class. After playing it I have difficulty leveling up anything else.
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Same, once I tried the WH, I loved it. They were alright on the Open Beta, but Mythic I guess bumped up their PVE survivability by tons. Now I can take on 3 things that's 2-4 higher levels than me. Granted I can take 2 down and the third to 20% health before I go splat, but still. I focus on Str/Ball/Wounds/Toughness and in that order. Going down the Confession path. I always use BBoPurity for the Init steal, helps me do more crits and evade more. I Snap Shot a lot when I get to peoples side. If a Black Orc is rushing a healer, I loop behind him, Snap when parallel, and the bullet usually snares him. This gives me time to do the Combos. Always focus on one target that's getting attacked. That will speed things up. If it's taking too long or they got too many heals coming, switch targets. I usually DoT/SnapShotSnare Tanks here and there and Razor the Support classes.

So, T1 RVR combo:
Fervor x3 /Razor x2 (any order)
>Burn, Heretic! (so now you have weak DoTs nibbling, 2 good raw damage, and a high-powered DoT that chews through Tank and Cloth armor alike)
>Razor/Ferver until 5 (or adequate) Accusations
>Absolution (Rinse and repeat if you have good support. If the guy is still at half health, DoT him again with Burn, Heretic! instead of the Abso, and when he's about to die, Absolution for the killing blow.)

T1-T2 RvR (only level 14 atm, I use the Emperor's Ward tactic and +EXP Renown Tactic)
Burn, Armor (Throw this ONLY on Melee classes, works great on MDPS like Maruader and WE. As they begin a attack chain, they damage themselves.)
Fervor/Razor Strike until 5 Accu.
Burn, Heretic
F/R again, depending on the enemies health level
Absolution OR Trial By Pain (Now I know this is an alright skill, but this always gets me the killing blow, and it's great tool for when the run away. They usually have a weak HoT on, so this cuts through it)

Tips: ALWAYS use Get Thee Behind Me! This is such a useful skill when getting attacked by many folks. If you can, Detaunt with that and then Incognito away. But I usually die 60% of the when that happens, lol.
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Same, once I tried the WH, I loved it. They were alright on the Open Beta, but Mythic I guess bumped up their PVE survivability by tons. Now I can take on 3 things that's 2-4 higher levels than me. Granted I can take 2 down and the third to 20% health before I go splat, but still. I focus on Str/Ball/Wounds/Toughness and in that order. Going down the Confession path. I always use BBoPurity for the Init steal, helps me do more crits and evade more. I Snap Shot a lot when I get to peoples side. If a Black Orc is rushing a healer, I loop behind him, Snap when parallel, and the bullet usually snares him. This gives me time to do the Combos. Always focus on one target that's getting attacked. That will speed things up. If it's taking too long or they got too many heals coming, switch targets. I usually DoT/SnapShotSnare Tanks here and there and Razor the Support classes.

So, T1 RVR combo:
Fervor x3 /Razor x2 (any order)
>Burn, Heretic! (so now you have weak DoTs nibbling, 2 good raw damage, and a high-powered DoT that chews through Tank and Cloth armor alike)
>Razor/Ferver until 5 (or adequate) Accusations
>Absolution (Rinse and repeat if you have good support. If the guy is still at half health, DoT him again with Burn, Heretic! instead of the Abso, and when he's about to die, Absolution for the killing blow.)

T1-T2 RvR (only level 14 atm, I use the Emperor's Ward tactic and +EXP Renown Tactic)

Burn, Armor (Throw this ONLY on Melee classes, works great on MDPS like Maruader and WE. As they begin a attack chain, they damage themselves.)
Fervor/Razor Strike until 5 Accu.
Burn, Heretic
F/R again, depending on the enemies health level
Absolution OR Trial By Pain (Now I know this is an alright skill, but this always gets me the killing blow, and it's great tool for when the run away. They usually have a weak HoT on, so this cuts through it)

Tips: ALWAYS use Get Thee Behind Me! This is such a useful skill when getting attacked by many folks. If you can, Detaunt with that and then Incognito away. But I usually die 60% of the when that happens, lol.

I've actually found that the method that gives us the best damage is called "Absospam", which means that you just spam Absolution as much as possible. WH damage comes mostly from our blessed bullets which proc on any execution, no matter how many accusations we have. The bullet damage always does the same amount of damage and can't be mitigated. Untill level 20 (when you get Flowing Accusations... 50% chance after every execution to get 2 accusations back) it's best to just use 1 Razor Strike, then Absolution, and repeat it. When you are level 20, use Flowing Accusations and do 1 Razor Strike/Torment (whichever you are specced for) and then spam Absolution as many times as you can till it Flowing Accusation doesn't proc. Dots only need to be stacked if the target is getting heals. Our dots don't do enough burst damage, but they do help to cancel out healing done to the target.

For the most part, you're right, only use Burn Armor on melee units. However, untill level 20, that's the only openner you have, so you should use it on everything for the 50% less action points used per ability.

At level 20, you get Sudden Accusations (Best ability ever, Zeb just LOVES the WE version of it, Enfeebling Strikes...). It damages the enemy while they move (and VERY quickly). Right now in T4 it hits squishies for about 150 damage every step they take. ALWAYS use this against any enemy you come across. Burn armor only damages the enemy if they use a melee ability (not auto attack) and Fanatical Zeal only damages the enemy if they cast a spell. However, if you come across a good melee enemy, they will try to circle around behind you while fighting, so if you can keep them circling, they'll kill themselves, and casters freak out and run from you trying to get away, killing themselves in seconds. It's hilarious to watch.

Good tip, most WH don't use this, I almost always forget to.

And lastly... AHHH, TEXT WALL! MY EYES!!!!11!1!!!11!!!shift+1!!!!11!
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