BF2 HELP 12-12


New Member
wow wee
what was up last night??????? 12-12, monday
i would go online- web browser, and see 5,500 BF2 servers out there.

Including the Christian BF2 servers i play on.

when i'd start the BF2 GAME, and get to the server list,
it would not load!!!!!!!

all i would get on the server list, is 185 FULL games.
ya, i tried turning all the filters off, etc...
but no matter i did, only 185 servers would show up,
and they were full.

i could not play? :eek:

well, my co-worker, said he had the same problem last night.
different city, different ISP too.

what was going on with EA-BF2?

Help? :confused:
I've never seen that happen. I didn't play last night so I don't know if it's just you or what. I'll be on for a good while tonight. I'll let you know if I experience anything like that.
Scheduled Maintenance
Every Monday at midnight (12AM PT), GameSpy will be performing scheduled maintenance on the Battlefield 2 backend. Please bear with us during this 3-hour period and understand that during this time you may experience stats processing delays or login issues during this time.

I don't know if you were playing this late or not but this is the maintenance time for Battlefield 2. That is the only thing i could think of at the moment.