best ganking junglers


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
who is it that you hate getting ganked by. Some junglers just gank so much better than others I feel. My list of hate are for these characters

Shaco (And they are buffing him too!)

Warwick (But only when he is flashwick into ult)

Rammus (most underrated jungler right now. He is cute too)

Udyr (Can't esacpe his dumb movement speed and stun slow slow slow)

Fiddle sticks (5 second fear is fun kids!)

I think those are the top 5 most dangerous junglers in the game. I know there are other dangerous junglers, but at least the other ones require some sort of skill shot to get you.
Amumu requires a skill shot and the stun is less than a second if he connects. He definetly is not a scary jungler. I wouldn't even consider him a threat until level 6.
Ok, I think I'm lost, in a typical jungle run what lvl(s) do you start looking/considering ganks?
typical ganks can start at level 2 to 6. Level 2 ganks from champs like lee sin or shaco are the most deadly. Especially shaco. >.<
Jungle xin is good too. he is a great lvl 2 ganker. As far as the scariest i would say Fiddle. Tele ult + fear + drain = lose :/.
Xin used to be one of the most OP junglers in the game, but they did nerf his pop up which was desperatley needed to be nerfed.