April 28th, 2005


New Member
They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength . . . they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

-Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

WE had been members of a loving, growing church for only two years when I was asked to serve on the congregation's governing committee. I was honored, but did not feel that I was capable of being an elder, even though I had served in this way in our previous church. I made a list of the reasons for and against accepting the invitation. These were the two main reasons to decline the invitation: 1) The group included so many capable Christians that I would feel out of place and unable to provide the leadership and nurture the congregation expected. 2) I did not have the time or energy to run our family business and be an elder at the same time.

I prayed and asked for God's help in deciding what to do. The next morning, the reading in The Upper Room was Isaiah 40:31: "They shall run, and not be weary." The following day, the reading was Exodus 4:12: "I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say."

God answered my prayers for help by speaking to me through these scripture verses. Later that day, I called our minister and told him I would be honored to serve. I knew that God would be with me.

William W. Emery (New Jersey, U.S.A.)


Dear God, forgive us for giving up rather than asking for your guidance. Amen.