Apparently "kompu gacha" is Japanese for "Mann Co. crates"


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Reports of impending Japanese regulations for social game networks and their random virtual goods have cast doubt over the futures of Gree and DeNA -- and their stock prices have tumbled as a result.

Japan's Consumer Affairs Agency has reportedly decided that "kompu gacha," a common online game practice that rewards players with a random virtual prize -- which can be a rare or ho-hum item -- after purchasing a set of goods, is illegal, according to The Daily Yomiuri.

The Korean government has sought to regulate online games in its country over similar concerns. Various departments there have argued that "Jackpot items," or microtransactions for random virtual goods, constitute as gambling, and seek to impose limits on them.
Source: Japanese social game networks take a hit over regulation concerns

Remember, opening crates is gambling, even if Valve refuses to call it that.