Anub'arak Video

I believe we had the right approach last night, but kept bumping up against rage timer at the end of phase 2.

If we get him to 30% and into phase 3, does the rage timer stop? Or is that a constant timer? If it is constant, then I don't think we had enough dps to down Anub last night.

The white adds were wreaking havoc on our tanks last night too. It's all about execution.
Well, we got him to 30% twice last night.. that I can remember. The first time we got him to 30% we had like 10 seconds left on the enrage timer... but the 2nd time we got him to 30% we had like 2 minutes left on the enrage timer. So, I think we are capable of doing it.. just need to make sure to work on not letting our tanks die. I think it was good how they had ranged DPS switch to the big adds when they popped out so that when he went underground we only had 2 big adds to kill and could work more quickly on the white adds.
Those darn little white scarabs put on a stacking dot that lasts 60 seconds and is very hard to heal through....they must DIE!!!
Those darn little white scarabs put on a stacking dot that lasts 60 seconds and is very hard to heal through....they must DIE!!!

qft. That is how I died on several occasions. It seemed like I would have to use my 50% damage shield when the 2nd add would popup while the healers would settle in to throwing big heals instead of flash heals. So I would have forbearance on me when the scarabs would come out and could not divine shield out of them if they started stacking poison on me.

I know the healers were patting themselves on the back yesterday but as a tank that has to blow cool downs to survive I would like to challenge you guys to do better and proactively heal big when the second spider add comes out instead of re-actively healing.
...I would like to challenge you guys to do better and proactively heal big when the second spider add comes out instead of re-actively healing.

That can definitely be done during the raid, but when any tank is losing 90% of their total health per hit, even a 20k+ big heal can't come fast enough. And consider the fact that all our tanks were taking big damage at the same time, it spells disaster. We should include a call out for Overheals on the tank when we come to that point in the 2nd phase.

BTW, I don't think any healer was patting themselves on the back after the wipes and the night was done. I know I wasn't.
I've had up to 15 stacks of poison debuff on my warlock, but i got healed through it. maybe i should aggro all the white adds and put on my stamina set.
DPS is king for the scarabs. Each dot ticks for 1200 (resistible) and lasts for 60 seconds. The best strategy is to kite and range kill and not tank but just because thats the best strategy doesn't mean it is used in a practical way.
DPS is king for the scarabs. Each dot ticks for 1200 (resistible) and lasts for 60 seconds. The best strategy is to kite and range kill and not tank but just because thats the best strategy doesn't mean it is used in a practical way.

qft...i've been trying to make a point of the ranged dps taking them down alone, but people still try to tank/melee/whatever so i'll have to harp on it a little more the next time we show up to DESTROY HIM
we got the strat down last night, we all grouped and the scarabs all came to us, and we aoe'd them and they went down fast. tanks stayed up, healing rocked, we got SO close to downing him but we came up against the enrage timer near the end, we were a little short on the dps is all.
Yep, i agree. With more people getting upgrades, we should be right there. I know that I will be upgrading 2 pieces before the next raid and that will include a 5% increased chance to crit on chainheal.

He had 1/8th of his life left last night when rage went off. Great job by everyone in the raid. Well done, indeed.
So two nights ago we got him down to 13% we lost our tank on a big smack and then it was over

As a healer that fight is cruel at the end - but I am interested to know what we can be doing to improve

It didn't seem like we had any deficiencies (geared tanks, geared heals, and significant dps)

So what are we missing?
When you think about it, if everyone is performing adequately and increases their output by getting better gear, it is only a matter of time before Anub is downed. Even an increase of 5 (def/hps/dps) will help. We just need patients and learn to fine-tune our execution.
The hard part about any fight like this one, is the one thing that always changes, the make up of the raid. While you guys did try several strategies and got close, there were I'm sure as many different reasons for them not working 100%, as there were people in the raid. The biggest hurdle was people not being able/willing to stick around to fine tune the strategy as I am sure the raid leaders could make changes to fix a lot of the issues if given a little more time. Unfortunately we had some sick peeps, some sleepy peeps and some tired of wiping peeps, which are all problems that a raid leader can't fix hehe. <well when Mcfierce finishes school he can work on the sick peeps <shrug>>

I only know why I died....lack of heals....and my dps was hurt by not being able to life tap even though I used my healthstone, herbalizm heal, and healing potion to try and boost my health enough to do so, I was still unable to do so even once /sigh.
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Since I only got to do one attempt - what phase did you die in? Because it seems to me that the 1st and 2nd phases are not that stressful for healing - it is really only the third phase that gets tough - and I have no answer for the problem with a lock who depends on lifetap but is not supposed to have their health bar healed above 50% on phase 3 - this seems pretty difficult to come around.
well, were getting closer......not many attempts last night as goblit said, we had some people over-tired and sick. well get it.
Since I only got to do one attempt - what phase did you die in? Because it seems to me that the 1st and 2nd phases are not that stressful for healing - it is really only the third phase that gets tough - and I have no answer for the problem with a lock who depends on lifetap but is not supposed to have their health bar healed above 50% on phase 3 - this seems pretty difficult to come around.
It depends, 2nd phase and transition back to first can be hard on healers if a few people get too many stacking debuffs from the scarab that will make them practically unhealable. But if we have 3 shamans again we'll have nature resistance totem to lighten that damage (by a good amount apparently, I resisted alot of it when I was watching the acid damage on myself.)
As long as you keep the tanks up and give a little more attention to raid members with penetrating cold during phase 3 we should be fine. Just hope we can make it to phase 3 without any situations occurring.
The death I was talking about was in phase 3....but I'lll figure out something for next time. At least I didn't die to trying to heroically down "blue" out of range of all the healers that time lol.
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The death I was talking about was in phase 3....but I'lll figure out something for next time. At least I didn't die to trying to heroically down "blue" out of range of all the healers that time lol.

life tap at 70% mana every time.

you enter phase 3 with full mana bar and only use rank 1 life tap to keep the buff.
Thanks Ill...I'll have to find that rank1 and stick it on my bar...good idea. As for the other part....I did that last time and it worked too :)