An Introduction


Active Member

My brother-in-law Andrew (Aldatell in game, no idea what he goes by on the forums) wanted to hook up with you guys. He played in the WoW chapter, but hasn't joined up in ToR yet. I got tired of waiting and figured I join up. My character is a level 18 Sith Marauder named Phalentol. I posted an introduction but I am not sure if there is anything else I have to do do with ToJ or CfD.

A little about me. I'm 43 and I've been gaming most of my life (yes, I was one of the paper and pencil types). I played EQ a little but my first real MMO experience was ShadowBane. I played WoW for several years (some stories there) and now I am playing World of Tanks and ToR. My testimony is kinda long so I will just hit the highlights right now. I answered Christ' call around 2005. I worked with the youth at our church and a couple years later answered God's call to seminary. I got my Master of Divinity from Winebrenner Theological Seminary in 2010 but God has not lead me to a vocational ministry position yet. I currently lead a Bible study at our church I am in the process of rebuilding our "new members class" and will be involved in church wide communication (getting out news letters and announcements). The last few years have been really tough for my family and me but it is just amazing how God has provided for us and how he is preparing our way.

Thanks for reading my wot, I look forward to conversing and playing with you guys.

I posted an introduction but I am not sure if there is anything else I have to do do with ToJ or CfD.

As long as you are a member of ToJ you can join Called from Darkness at any time. Just message an officer (see the information thread) when you're online and let them know what your ToJ name is.