Alright, Redeemed, help me decide.

Soul burn consumes one of your three soul shards to enhance the next spell you cast. Drain life channels faster, health stone heals you for more, demonic circle buffs your run speed, demon summons and soul fire become instant and affliction gets an empower for seed of corruption that applies corruption to every target hit by seed.

Once consumed, a shard may only be recovered by either using drain soul or using the new spell soul harvest (think evocation for shards and health but only used out of combat). Shadowburn, a destro talent spell, refunds all three if you kill the target with it.

It's not NEARLY as big of a deal as it sounds. You only use shards to boost your spells, nothing costs shards anymore. In a raid, you're rarely ever going to use a shard for anything but an instant soul fire.

It's a really, really cool system.
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I think mages and paladins have the coolest lore, but I may be my bias since those are my 2 80. I really enjoy those classes.
Part of the reason I've always liked warlock so much is because, as a friend of mine put it, "The history of Azeroth is written in the blood of warlocks and their victims." You can trace almost all of the major events to the Legion and their warlocks.
I should mention I have a decently geared (for his time) 70 lock on Terenas that I'm going to fool around with to see if I even like playing him anymore, then I might transfer him over. That might make a difference in spec..
I'm going to have to go with "it depends." How gutsy are you? Affliction has always been able to grind like crazy without having to stop. Demo melts faces right now. I'd still be iffy on trying to solo as destro.
Pet arms warrior and hand of guldan. I'm not sure how the latter works, I just know that I cast it on cd and amazing things happen. The felguard got a major buff in 4.0. It knows bladestorm (too much time with Marrowgar, I suspect), has intercept and a knockdown. Demo can stunlock long enough to kill almost anybody, especially with the glyph of fear.
Honestly, I have the same problem but I have come up with a simple solution.

Main: The reason why they're called main characters is because you use them primarily for gear and raid content. Before you sign up another character for a raid make sure your main has everything they need- side grades included.

As for what you should play. I think locks will be under represented so i would go with that, so more gear for ya =P.

However, considering its an elemental invasion etc. Shaman would have alot of story driven lore during Cataclysm because their power is getting destroyed via Deathwing. That and theyre quite good.
Impending is also coming back to wow for Cataclysm, and looking at my toons on Stonemaul I have a lvl 80 DK and a 21 Priest ... knowing full well that there are a LOT of DKs running around, would the guild be better suited with a priest, or something else? I have no problems leveling a toon, and using my DK for raids, DPS, or off-tanking (don't remember how good my gear is though).
Just an observation, we have a LOT of casters. I've seen runs where I was the only melee dps on my dk.
Then perhaps I will keep my DK as my main while I level up something that the guild finds itself missing.

BTW BBQSox not trying to hijack your thread, just found myself in the same situation.
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