Almost over


My Sister's struggle with cancer is almost over. She has stopped eating and her vital signs are fading. It has been a long and difficult road, but soon she will be at peace..

Your family is in my prayers, for both peace and the Lord's will in your sister's life.
in our prayers as well.
I am truly sorry to hear that, Medic. On the other hand, as you say, soon the pain will be over. Sometimes, with cancer, that is as much victory as we are allowed.

That is terrible news Kevin
. I'm still praying for her!
maddmedic, you know about a christian metal
band called Mortification, you might want to
look around the net about I think steve rowe
is the band members name I think and I think
he overcame lucemia with God's help. Anyway
have a look, I thought It might help.
My sympathies... like the hymn says: "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through..."

But hey, if God wishes that she lives...
"Be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you will go." -Joshua 1:9

Thank you, MaddMedic, for giving us this opportunity to pray for you and your family in this time. I still am now.
I had no idea...only now did I put her in a prayer to God...but then I read your last post, and she's gone.

I am sorry my friend. But there is nothing any of us can now do but share our regret.
"You cannot choose your battlefields, the Gods do that for you;
But you can fly your standard where a standard never flew

We can't always win, but we can always fight. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And sometimes the best you can do is to go down swinging. My thoughts to you and yours.


Who are the good?
The Dead? Perhaps so. I know not.
There seems to be nothing better that brings different folk together than a death in one we mutually know.
Such is the case.

I had a dead grandma, two of em, a dead great-grandma, and family friends who have dropped off. Death is no new thing to me or to others, but sometimes, it hurts others more than others. I didn't know you or your sister, but I can still feel pain. Death, I suppose, has a great sting indeed.
"O, death, where is thy sting?"

Maybe it stings us still, for living, but at least we know that it has no power over those who love God and pass away. This is one of our greatest comforts.
May God be with you and your family. May Gods love comfort you. And may the many wonderful years with your sister be forever remember by all those whose life she has touched.

I never knew your sister, but from the care and concern for her that you have shown, I know she must have been truly special.
I'm really sorry to hear that man
.  My prayers are with you and your family!
I'm so sorry man. I just experienced that half a year ago. Remember that it is OK to mourn - even Jesus mourned for Lazarus, right before calling him forth again, just as he will restore life to your sister if she had faith in him (I'm sorry for not knowing, I just now found this thread). You are in my prayers, my freind and brother in Christ.
Now as I read these posts I see that everyone is said and regretful for you and your family as Im I. But we must all remember where she is, A much better place than the world we live in I assure you that.

Your sister has left her shell and now that she is truly born I rejoice as should you. On this earth she was so called "born" and living but dieing from birth as are we all. But now she is truly born and shall never die again "Praise Jesus".

I close with this: Morn little; Rejoice more for you shall see her again.