Alistair Beggs on James 4:17

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I heard an interesting quote from Alistair Beggs on James 4:17 the other day:
"For to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." How can I see my brother in need and claim that I love God and do nothing about it, and actually claim to be a bonified member of the family of God, whose heart is for the poor and the downtrodden and the blind and the beaten and the broken. It doesn't work. That's the danger, you see, in a sterilized, bourgeois, self-satisfied, evangelical, cliche-ridden American sub-culture. Because as long as we hang around with one another long enough, we can convince one another that we're all okay, because after all, 1,500 people together couldn't be wrong, could they?
(You can go here and click The Rich Man and the Beggar, 2 to hear the full sermon.)

Discuss. :)
That's the danger, you see, in a sterilized, bourgeois, self-satisfied, evangelical, cliche-ridden American sub-culture.

It isn't until we realize that we actually do not live in such a culture, will we begin to change. We have created an aura or perceptions that makes us think we live in such a place. In reality, we do not. I am curious how bourgeois, self-satisfied, and evangelical can even be used in the same sentence.
