Alienware Tournament Replays


New Member
Hey guys, I just lost the first round... but it was really fun!

The guy was really cool - a rank 20+ diamond (lucky me). I got about 2/3 of his final score.

Here's the replay.
Well, I just lost my second game to another Diamond (neither were ranked as high as American Judkins' opponent tho). This tournament is a great way to get the adrenaline flowing, but I wish there were fewer holes in my play. Not really a close game.
Nice guys, i watched both replays, and both had kinda the same mistake, you both spent alot of money on early base defenses when u didn't have to. In Joey's game, he didn't see any indication of air units, so u really didn't need those 3 turrets, which could have been used for an earlier expansion. Your unit production was good, u made alot of units and kept all the buildings active, a little slow on scv production but that could just be nervousness. Also when ur first attack entered, and u sniped that expo, you should have retreated, stim, shoot, step back, shoot, step back, etc etc etc, till u arrived back at your base. When i played u, i think you don't like to use stim. I had the same problem, if you want we can practice that, so you can get a more comfortable feel for it. It helps ALOT.
And SOS's game, i have the same problem. I lost a game just like that yesterday. One thing that i can say that could help, would be, you made 2 spine crawlers, when you didn't even know his army size, or if he was going to attack, thats 300mineral, you could have started the expansion alot sooner. Cause he was hittin the drones pretty hard. Also don't forget about the destructable rocks, XD i told joey right before his game, and he remembered. Also if you want we can find a way to beat that kind of play, cause i lose the same sort of tecnique. Your strategy was muta ling right? I do think the fast expand would have helped with the gas requirement.
No, I understand. Your insight helps a lot. Previously, I didn't build spine crawlers, but the first game with the zealot rush messed with my head when I shouldn't have let it. I have no excuse for missing the destructable rocks though. You're right, that's something I need to be careful of in the future. Thanks for the help!
2nd Game

This is my 2nd game with should tecnically be my 3rd but he didn't show up. The guy i played this one with told me his last 2 games were no shows to, so apparently its a common problem. Well he was a platinum lvl player, really good attitude, as was the first. I also invited the first guy i played to the forums, hope he shows up! i'll have to send a message to this other guy to to check the forums out. Later