Age of Wushu


Staff member
So, I hear ewoks and Joshinator talkin'bout this new Age of Wushu game.

What makes it special? Why would I wanna play it? Discuss.

...and, mostly, just made a new topic for the game rather than continuing to use The Secret World one. ;)
  • Free to play...Awesome animations and graphics in an amazing representation of China.
  • You can fly and run up walls like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with aerial combat!
  • It has drunken boxing style!
  • SANDBOX MMO WITH OFFLINE SKILLS (this is the eve online of china)
  • Innovative PvP mechanics like kidnapping/patrols/spying (you get to interface with offline players even!)
  • Cash shop seems to be completely cosmetic so far. (no pay to win)
  • Jet Li liked it on facebook

More interesting info:
The economy is entirely player-driven, and each character can choose one of six different production professions and one of four art professions. One of the production professions is Chef, and a chef can perform a very important function: keep you from starving.

The comparisons with EVE Online are inevitable. It's a game with open PvP (complete with consequences), guilds and guild territory that can be invaded, and a dynamic, player-driven economy.EVE definitely does the guild/alliance PvP metagame better, though I've heard of epic castle fights on the Chinese servers. Age of Wushu shines in its combat system; there is just so much depth. I don't thinkEVE even comes close in that respect.

If you're hungry for a sandbox with incredible depth and amazing combat, Age of Wushu is probably the game you're looking for. It might be a bit clumsy at first, but don't be discouraged. There's a real gem of a game beneath the rough exterior. The second beta begins on December 20th. I'll see you guys there!

some links:
Honest Review -
Work In Progress WIKI -
Official Forums -
Facebook -
Main Site -
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1. Josh wants to play
2. It's free if I'm correct
3. It seems to be more skill based rather than dice roll
4. It's a sandbox
5. it's a sandbox
6. it's a sandbox
  • Jet Li liked it on facebook
Count me in. :p

Seriously, though. Sounds pretty baller. Love me some wushu. Love me some EVE. Already signed up for an account earlier, but I'll hafta get the download going in a bit. :D

Edit: Download... almost... complete...
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Ok, it's in closed beta (with a trial right now). When's it going live?

Also, I like that you can download the client in parts, rather than having to tie up my connection for 5 hours downloading one game to try.
Not sure why it is called closed beta right now. It is open to all, with limited play times. 10hours up front then 60mins a day for free players. Also the toons will carry over from this beta they have said. So this is almost a soft launch from that standpoint.
Hmm, it's telling me that I need to purchase to play. Did you purchase ewoks? I thought I get 10 hours.

EDIT: Now it's telling me I'm trial, but my client side is out of date. What version should the client be?
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Did not purchase. Got ten hours plus an hour a day after that during the duration of the beta. Am currently playing. Am enjoying.
Told you on Facespace, but in case anyone else needs the answer... the client software I'm using.
Yeah we are playing for free at the moment. I may support them with $20 for the deluxe extras, I really like the feel of this so far and have been researching it for a while now.
Well, Age of Wushu ate most of my afternoon. I happily fed it, true, but just pointing that out.

I see why you guys were excited about it. I feel like every step forward I move in the training/tutorial comes with revealing a new layer of the game's mechanics and possibilities. Super excited to make some headway and start getting into sandbox PvP.

And I can double jump and strike with a sword while doing so. :D
Yeah the launcher auto updates, I think he might have been trying right as the system was patching.

So I spent like 2 hours and never got into actual combat. The tutorials are pretty heavy in regards to run from 1 NPC to the next. However once you are done with them, the game really takes off!
I got into mob combat just now after returning to my character's particular storyline. I need to go through and learn my various skills and start figuring out how to most effectively use them. I feel like this game rejects the facerolling approach I've taken to most other MMOs I've played.

I really like the game. A lot. I'm surprised.

Too many MMOs on my plate now. lol SWTOR, GW2, DCUO, and now this. Too many good games in my catalog. Not enough time to play them all. /first world problems
Well that didn't work. I downloaded the seperate cab files for the installer last night. When I went to install it said some of them were corrupt and to download the verification tool to check the cab files. The verification tool was all gibberish (random characters, not another language) so that was a bust. Downloading the full installer now.

/Keeping fingers crossed.
I made it to the first dungeon last night. Pretty neat, nothing different there, just a group quest through a palace yard with a boss at the end and a chest of loot. There is a group mechanic kinda like LoTRO where a leader starts the move and the rest get into the right position then you play a quick mini dance dance revolution game and BOOYA epic team kata takes off.

I will say the beginning is rough rough rough. Lots of running around town and learning things. The initial impression was very confusing too, so many systems I have not seen before and all poorly explained. However I am going to stick with it till I can fly and then see what I think.

Graphics on Ultra look amazing. The water especially is great. All of crafting has minigames involved. For example to level in tailoring I have to beat my trainer in this game similar to Puzzle Quest.
Agreed entirely that the beginning is rougher than low grit sandpaper. The game definitely lacks love in the UI department, too, and I wouldn't call it the most accessible game ever by any stretch of the imagination.

Still, I'm loving this game more and more. When I lost to a superior-skilled quest enemy, I was able to replay the fight in my mind, return, and win by use of superior tactics.

I have a feeling the game will get better as people play it more. Right now, it's easy to try and play it like another WoW clone by following particular quest chains and stuff. If the game lives up to its promise of player-driven economy and global PvP that people actually use and all the school vs. school stuff, it'll be phenomenal. It's just a matter of getting to that point. Right now, I feel like people aren't taking on the whole bandit side of things; I haven't been attacked once yet. I may become a bandit soon (or create a second account for that purpose) just to shake things up.
It sounds an awful lot like ShadowBane, another sandbox type open pvp game. It was a good game (came out before WoW) but suffered some fatal flaws which the devs were slow in fixing. It was a blast tho when things worked. The idea was that your guild could build a city of its own (with walls and guards) and then you could assault another guild's city or even join with other guilds in attacking another city. They had a siege system to take down the walls. I recall on battle where we had to have had over 100 players battling it out in two large armies.
Earlier I was PKed buy a guy over and over. I got a little miffed, but eventually left b/c I could not beat him. Before I left i put up a bounty for him. I suffered a hefty debuff for all the deaths. Then about 30 mins later I saw a global broadcast. It read. LawlessXXX was caught and will be executed at dawn.. HAHA glorious revenge!