About wounds and organizing


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For example: that person I trusted hurt me decades ago.

That sucks. That hurts now. I can medicate about it, but I also need to feel it.

Beings involved:

1. God. He either let it happen or outright caused it to happen. This being said, He is still perfect, good, and trustworthy, and ultimately for my good.

2. The person that hurt me. He was being driven by sin, either living in it or by mistake. What an awful place to be at.

3. Me. Although it is socially ridiculous to expect a child to go through the processes of trauma and pain, if I had felt my pain, instead of running from it, and if I had sought God, instead of running from Him, I would have been in a much better place many years ago.

Before leaving I would like to say you would probably like to do this process a counsellor/therapist or support group. I've been to a fair many.

I find balm to my soul to praise to Lord for his blessings.
