A prayer that ALL Christians should read and ponder on (I know I have)


Former Official Thread Killer
With my ramblings about it of course. :D My thoughts are in italics. Please post along with me and discuss this rather touchy subject.

Ok. This prayer is something I picked up on Carman:Yo Kids 2 The CD. I pulled it off and typed it out on my computer.

(there, now I covered my butt for Plagiarism. :p)

The Child Warrior’s prayer:

Lord, help me suit myself in the armor you provide and stand as a warrior, ready for the fight.

Ok, I don't know about you, but I cannot count how many times I have tried putting my armor on myself. Trying to get a breastplate of my own righteousness on doesn't protect anything. In fact, it leaves me wide open to the fiery darts of the devil and his minions. Without Christ to place the breastplate on me and wash me white as snow, like Isaiah 1:18 states. Being made White as Snow when submit to the Father's will and allow Him to place my armor on me, much like a squire would to a knight that is going to battle. Without Christ to place the Armor on me; by my asking, the armor is not going to be placed or tightened properly, leaving me exposed.

As I read Your word today, make it quick and sharp. Like a mighty Spirit Sword, cut right to the heart.

Reading your Bible every day is one of the most important things we can do to prepare ourselves for the conflicts of life. Not only is it a comfort, it is our primary weapon for fighting against the enemy. Without memorizing and hiding its words in our heart, we will have a difficult time combating the lies of the enemy. The one that would give only a small amount of truth and leave out the rest. We also must talk with one another, sharpening each other and helping build one another up. Much as it says in Proverbs 27:17 Don't forget that discussion with fellow believers on the scriptures is important too!

Protect my mind from evil thoughts, with the Helmet of Salvation and with the Shield of Faith, guard me from temptation.

I have to use this one on a daily basis. The way girls dress, the way they talk, with the pictures on TV, with the ads on the internet. I spend a great deal of my time in prayer, trying to not give into temptation. And its not just with girls. I have to do it with people I work with. There is one particular gentleman who has a managerial position above me in another section of the store and the other night I had some pretty nasty thoughts about him. Those thoughts almost made it to my lips, however a lot of heavy prayer, not only to not say them, but forgiveness for even thinking them. Without have had my Shield and my Helmet, I could have ruined my witness with a single angry sentence. I have to keep my helmet and shield in place, to stop those thoughts before they spring to mind. To learn to love the man, even though he is not very nice to me.

I’m lacing up the shoes of peace, so I can spread good news. Help me walk the narrow way, and wear the Belt of Truth.

Spreading the good news is our primary goal! However, without preparing ourselves for sharing, we will never be ready! Check out 1 Peter 3:15. You have to be ready, the only way to be ready is to sharpen that sword! Also, be contrite to the leadings of the Holy Spirit for when He tells you "Speak to this person, they are hurting and need the Father's healing touch."

Wear the Belt of truth with a bit of pride. The belt is not just that we speak the truth, we are girded with it, so our actions and deeds must be truth. We as Christians must be genuine, Christ was nothing but genuine. In my mind I see it like this as a Christ Follower "Jesus said who He was, acted as He should for being God on earth, spoke with the authority granted to Him by the Father, and always had an Answer for those who asked. He was genuine in all His actions. Truthful to the point of dying on the Cross as was prophesied.

With Friends at School, at home, at play, Keep my Heart and Body Pure and as I wear Your Breastplate Lord, my heart will all be yours.

See above comments. I think I said enough on this subject. :) Though we have to keep our body pure. We must not over indulgence to reign in our lives. But that is a topic for another time.

Half the battle is Physical, and half I cannot see, and though they say I am just a kid Lord, “Here I am, send me….”

Too many people forget that not only can we be attacked spiritually, we can be attacked physically and mentally as well. Satan is the prince of the powers of the air after all. Remember that what appears to be depression or alcoholism may not be. In fact, this Eskimo has come to believe that many of these so called "mental disorders" are in fact spiritual attacks on these people. Christians are the biggest targets! How can a Christian be depressed? We have the King and Creator of all things by our side with open arms and a ready ear! We have each other! We have the joy of the Lord! Depression is not something Christians should succumb to, ever! (yet another rant for another time. I apologize for pulling off track)

Be ready whenever the Lord calls you. Even if it is to simply stand. hear his call. be like a Child, knowing that when you fail, your Heavenly Father is there to not only help you get up again, He is extremely pleased with you. How easy it is for a child to please his or her parents with a simple yes ma'am or yes sir. Obedience. Don't be afraid! we serve the (not a) THE Great God!

Praise Him who reigns forever and ever! May Wisdom be increased amongst those who follow Him!

I look forward to replies. :D (hint hint)
wow --- how can one reply to that...it's awesome...definately a lot to think about and you hit a couple nerves for me - I'm thinking I might be suggesting others come read this too!