A Note from the GM


Active Member
Hey guys,

First let me say how proud I am to serve Redeemed and all the people associated with our guild.

It has been a world wind tour this first month or so. I thought it would be a good time to communicate some of the things we have done and are doing to make Redeemed a strong as we can for the cause of Christ.

It has been a joy to watch the fellowship and love grow in our family. I think everyone of us cares for the others in a special way. Our lives are connected thru this virtual reality we call World of Warcraft and the CGA forms. It is an incredible thrill to log on and see 25+ people on a regular basis.

For those of you who do not know, Redeemed has grown to 400 characters played on 200 accounts. That is a stinking lot of people. Due to this growth we are implementing some changes in the officer core.

The first change was the move to 3 GM's. It is a joy to serve along side others to help carry this burden. The 3 GM model has already paid dividens to our guild in ways that you will see soon.

Speaking of GM's, as you know, Gnimish stepped down to rest from leadership. It was a joy and privlidge to serve under him and along side him as Co-GM. He has had an impact on my life that will not soon be forgotten. A great big shout out to Gnimish.

However, it did create a hole when he stepped down. So, in order to fill his role, FJ and I prayed thru and decided to implement an interim solution. We feel the need for a GM quickly out weighs the need for an entire election during this busy holiday season. Therefore, we are proposing an interim Co-GM. This person will have all the authority of an elected GM, but will have a time limit imposed. That time limited will be thru Jan. 15th, 2007. By this time we hope to have another election to fill the spot.

We have taken nominatons and worked thru the field of canidates. I am doing the final prayer over the decision and hope to make it public later this week.

We, the GM's (including Gnimish), have been working behind the scenes to put into place new officer positions and new leadership positions. You have seen a few of them already come out: Mirakle- head recruiter, Schmeea- Item Banker, Treebranch- Materials Banker.

There will be more to come including a restructured Living In Christ ministry, with changes to the Bible Study model and prayer teams on the front end of the changes.

We will continue to build on the alliances we have with our brothers and sisters in Sanctification. It is our hope to work our kinks and iron out details on how we can be a better partner in our raiding times. Currently we are not doing the best job we can. We need to gear up to provide more materials and potions to make the raid the best it can be.

Also a note, our officers have stepped up or efforts and are now the first line of moderation for our Redeemed forums. While CGA still holds moderation privlidges, it has been established that local moderation is better for our family. So, behave! We have an accountability to our structure and we want to be good stewards of our forums. That means following the ToS and making sure our words and deeds are above reproach.

What a great day it is to be a WoW player in the land of the Redeemed. I look forward to serving with you as we build a fellowship that blesses Stonemaul and honors God.
