A new chapter for Assignment: Writing. The author: You!


Active Member
Well...I have to say, I'm impressed with what you guys have accomplished just over the last few months or so. I have no doubt too that I will continue to be impressed. I know of at least two of you who are working seriously on writing novels, and some of you have also expressed interest in participating in a group writing project. I think it's important at this point to say 'well done!' but also to remind you that the writer's road doesn't come to an end, not even when you reach the point of becoming a published author. Especially not in this day and age. We are living in a 'flat world' where people all around the globe - in all countries, all economic and social situations - have unprecedented ability to access and publish information. There is no question that this is going to greatly increase the already-high standard of published writing, particularly fiction. But beyond that, as Christians, we have a responsibility to shoot for a standard of excellence, so that what we do and what we create brings glory to God. God doesn't get glory for mediocre, half-hearted efforts that are just good enough. We need to be excellent for the cause of Christ.

I will be looking for opportunities to work and serve with you in future writing projects, and in helping you with your personal writing projects. And I'm sure at some point, we will find an appropriate collaborative writing opportunity. Please be on the lookout and let me know if you see any reasonably-small scale contest we could enter as a collaborative team. But in the meantime, the grand (and highly successful) experiment that is Assignment: Writing needs to take its next step forward. It may become a regular writing assignment/contest, or a writing discussion board, or something else. So what will the next chapter be in the story of this writing group? That is my final writing assignment to you. It is time for me to focus more time and energy elsewhere, and to relinquish the leadership of this group to others. What happens from here is entirely up to you. My advice: Don't wait for someone else to do something. Take a step forward with your God-given abilities and your passion for creativity and writing. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

I know i have personally not contributed much to the writing forum..however, I for one will miss the entertaining topics you chose for the writing.

Sad to see you step down, but I thank you for all the time and energy you invested in the Assignment Writing forum.

I still want to be more involved in the Writing forum, but the Job Search(TM) is mean and cruel with nasty, pointy teeth.

Plus I have a backlog of online administrative tasks that turns my stomach when I think about it.

Oh, and there's this gaming thing I used to do, too. =p

But seriously, writing still is my first love (in regards to hobbies, of course). I hope to spend more time with you all soon!
I agree. It's sad to see you step down Dorkelf. You've helped me a lot personally, as well as many others.

I apologize for not being a larger member of this writing forum. Considering I spend 75% of my free time working on my book/books/other-book, it's kind of selfish of me to not donate some of my time to one of my greatest passions and a good cause. You can look forward to me submitting some of my own work here in the future, as well as participating more.

Also, congrats to myself for 1,500 posts! w00t!
I can never say enuff for the wisdom and advice and Gosh lernin to speek like reglar peple has elp'd me fuder my skilz n da real werld" Tanx bro!!!
P.S Are you courageous enough to compete when the challenges begin Oh MIGHTY ONE? Maybe your super writing powers only existed during your reign and after you've resigned your high and lofty position things have became quite normal. Little things like that make noobish writers wonder. Hmmm.
P.S Are you courageous enough to compete when the challenges begin Oh MIGHTY ONE? Maybe your super writing powers only existed during your reign and after you've resigned your high and lofty position things have became quite normal. Little things like that make noobish writers wonder. Hmmm.

Oh, I still love writing and I'll definitely take great joy in participating in future writing challenges. ;) Thanks for the encouragement,
