A foreign exchange student


New Member
Well today was our first day returning to school since our break(mine was 7 days due to my exam exemption) and we had completely new classes, and a new semester, which usually accompanies it.

This also meant probably a few more students, and it was expected and I heard about a new kid from Hong Kong staying with a military family. I didn't hear much more about him the rest of the day, and then as we were leaving school today, I finally saw him.

It was about 30 degrees outside, and I saw him pacing around in the bus yard. He wasn't talking to anyone, and just looked confused, so I quickly sprang to him and caught up to him, he looked startled when I had actually spoken to him...I can't imagine being in a different place with no friends...but apparently he couldn't find which bus to get on. I found out later after talking with him, and finding where he lived, he lived on one of the buses that goes in my area. And then found out he missed his original bus, and I got on my bus bringing him with me, and I asked our bus driver if we could drop him off. And I promised him that I would get him home.

I spoke to him for a good 30 minutes on our bus ride, about what its like in Hong Kong, and what its like in America. He speaks very poor english, and I felt bad for him, and wanted this experience to go well. He has only been in our country for 10 days, and he has no friends, and he was bored he had told me. I talked to him about his interests and what he enjoyed doing, and what he did in Hong Kong, and talked about games, and he referred to counter-strike as "CS" and admitted not playing it, and we just talked. I told him that I will be his friend, and we will hang out, and have some fun. Also found out he has no religion or beliefs currently.

I was just thinking about this earlier, and was thinking of something we can do with him, and I remembered about a concert this friday night with Big Daddy Weave on our AFB, which is free, and which I have an extra ticket, and I called him immediately. Through all of this, he said he wanted to go, and would like to hang out and have some fun. I am not looking for this to be a religious experience for him; but rather a way of enjoying what freedom we have here in the USA.

So please just pray he gets more friends, and some people can be more open to him, such as I was, and rather than shouting explitives at him as he got off our bus, or making weird sounds pretending to be of asian descent, etc. to just recognizing he is a person and we should treat him no different.

God Bless.
You both have my prayers. I would like to thank you personally for following your heart and not society. I know that Jesus would have done what you have and I applaud you for being stong enough in your faith to trust God and let Him work through you. I I had many a roommate in college and many were from other areas and they are quite interesting people. Keep up God's work and know that you decisions are lifted up in prayer. Who knows you just may help him with his salvation just by showing your kindness.

My prayers are with you both, Phix. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope he felt the love I felt as I read your account of your day. I am proud to be your sister in Christ!

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2
Nice job, man! I'm very proud to hear that you did that. Sounds like you love him like God loves him, and that's one of the hardest commands to fulfill.

I'll pray for you to be guided by the Holy Spirit and I'll pray for him to see you as a friend, not as someone looking for another convert to put on your trophy shelf, or a weird person with strange beliefs. Too many have one of those misconceptions and I know that neither is true in your case.
I would very much appreciate this, throughout my meditation today on the events that have transpired I am praying that he does not think I am someone who is looking to convert him. I would wish nothing like that on him, it is not my choice in anything he makes, and I can just imagine how it must be so in communist China to hold a faith in Christ, which must carry a lot of persecution.

I honestly felt very bad for the kid, just didn't think people were opening up to him, and honestly I don't think you should treat anyone like that. People are the same, we were created in the same image, and I just felt that it would be good for me to do to let him know we do care, and maybe set the example for a few of my christian friends at school, who don't exactly follow what the Bible does say. But truly none of this is for me, I will pray, all glory be to Him in the highest.

God Bless.