A BIG Thanks


New Member
Well, As some of you know, Shebaely got the MC drop to start her priest Benediction Quest line. And with lots of help from a bunch of our guildies (9 to be exact), she was able to get the rare drop and quest completed all in the same day.
Sooooo I want to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to Artwin(Steve), Esua(Adam), Varatrune(Ben), Yestin(Bob), Berstromme(Mike), Samage(Kirk), WeeAmber(Anita), Yesmine(Danny), and AngusOg (Mike). I couldnt have done it without yall and I really appreciate you giving of your time to help me out.

For those that don't know.... This is what it looks like and this is what it does....
Two-Hand Staff
134 - 222 Damage Speed 3.00
(59.3 damage per second)
+10 Stamina
+31 Intellect
+12 Spirit
+20 Shadow Resistance
Classes: Priest
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 60
Use: Calls forth Anathema.
Equip: Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 2%.
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 106.
Cooldown: 30 min
1 sec cast
Two-Hand Staff
134 - 222 Damage Speed 3.00
(59.3 damage per second)
+22 Stamina
+31 Intellect
+20 Shadow Resistance
Classes: Priest
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 60
Use: Calls forth Benediction.
Equip: Restores 7 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Increases damage done by Shadow spells and effects by up to 69.
Cooldown: 30 min
1 sec cast
Congrats Shuranda! That looks awful nice on your character and it's great you finally got it! I know how hard you've been working towards it!
Ok, you got a female perspective "looks awful nice", now from a manly viewpoint. That bad boy is some sweet eye candy capable of some serious decapacitation at 60 paces!