'55 fiction' for the holidays


Active Member
Well, it's been a while since there was a writing assignment here. When I was researching 'flash fiction' the other day (aka 300 word stories) I discovered that there is a type of flash fiction called '55 fiction'. 55 fiction has to conform to these guidelines:

1 - EXACTLY 55 words.
2 - Only words in the dictionary may be used.
3 - A complete story must be presented, which must include both a conflict AND a resolution.

I like this idea for several reasons. First - entires can actually be submitted by their authors to the New York Times for an annual '55 fiction' contest. Second, they are obviously quick to write. Third, they accomplish the same thing as other flash fiction - they teach you how to use only the words you really need to use and cut out the rest. And finally - well, being a guild wars guy, it can't help but make me think of '55 monks'. :cool:

I hope everyone will write at least one piece of 55 fiction over the holidays - post these to your stickied writer's thread if you're so inclined, or in this thread if you'd prefer.

Lol paul.. that is the exact same thing i thought about. I just saw the 55 and i thought 'monk?!'

ahh great...

i'll try and do one. After all these essays for finals i should be well practiced ;)
The 55 I thought of wuz zoom zoom zoom heavy chevy!!! Gosh A challenge to start the show wOOt thank you mR. Dorkelf hehehe just luv that tag!!!