3R issues and Bans

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New Member
K i wanna make this clear. 3R is not an extension from FLS. Fls and 3R are totally different things. 3R started as a solo lone team, not connected in anyway to fls. so if your a past fls member or anything like that, that does not make it an auto-3R member.

3R is not a joke. Some ppl tend to think like that, we're dead-serious team going for high goal. we are still forming, but that doesn't mean we deserv all this.

I have been banned for a comment, and i don't know if it's permanent. but i suggest you ToJers vote and make it permanent. i don't think i ever want to come back after this incident.

As far as StarCraft chapter i'm still pondering whether i should continue to lead or not. i'll be postin my thoughts later in the specificed forums.

I think end of 3R and ToJ friendship is coming. It might be a fact after all...
Flash, I made it clear enough to you several weeks ago that all 3R members were on a zero tolerance policy.  You violated a rule, were told not to do it then violated it again.  You were banned by me.  The ban is permanent.  I don't know why you think you can continue to violate our rules and get away with it.  That just doesn't happen.  If we didn't enforce our rules, the server would be like every other counter strike server out there.

So, I would tend to agree with you about 3R's future interaction with ToJ. If members of 3R continue to violate our rules, they will be banned. This is nothing new to you. Again, you have known this for several weeks, and because of your actions and actions of your members, you have shown that you are making no attempt to correct the issue. Fine, that is your choice. But we are still left with the responsiblity of maintaining order and putting forth a good witness. We will not let your group hinder that.
One more thing, please get your own server and forums to discuss your team problems and whatever else...no more freeloading and recruiting from ToJ.
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