11/3/07 Kara Full Clear


New Member
I know that there are some people that need gear from Kara. I am willing to Lead a Full Clear for Kara.

I am willing to take people that are just keyed though the first couple of bosses then I am going to swap them for people that need Gear.

I am also going to make last bosses loot done by random with a twist if you are filling a spot in the raid from beginning you will have first dibs on loot. Only exception is that you swap out for a person that needs starter loot you will not lose your slot on first dibs. i.e. you are there at form up but swap for a person that needs loot.

I personally don't need any gear so I will be passing unless the enchant of illhoof drops.

I am thinking starting at 3pm st and going until prince is down if we get him down early we will hit Nightbane.

Order of bosses


Please post if you can make it and if you want to be in the full raid or if you just want to make it for certain bosses. I will make a List of people that post and will try to slot you in.


p.s. if you want me to contact you when that spot opens please PM me with contact information.
hey i think i can go. ill give u my contact info to let me know. i need prince/chess/nightbane/opera so any of those would be great to go to! also i need rep so im up for a full run
but i have to go this saturday to friends house to make some cookies for biology project lol
If this goes well I am going to make it a Saturday thing.

And when 2.3 comes out if I am allowed I will run ZA on Saturday. Doing lots and lots of Reading about the new area.
ya i really like raiding so ill try and attend as much as i can! im just going through alot of ssssttttuuufffff recently so ya
Ugsneak....you may want to talk to Alhana/Gnimish as he already has Kara set up on Saturdays starting at noon, and plans to do it every week for the guild. Maybe you can combine efforts as I'm not sure you could do 2 runs at basically the same time. He has a couple posts on here about it...if I only knew how to link to them for ya.
Ok will be happy to join that Raid I noticed he was only planning to do the first couple of bosses I want to do a Full clear. I will be happy to join that Raid and take it from the point of when he calls it for the day.
Plus, i will be able to stay as long as possible. I am even willing to start, and go until full clear ;) its been to long since i have been there lol. But i need more hunter gear, i have icky rogue gear.
O ya ZA, im looking right now strats of different bosses that have been taken down on the ptr. much gear in there looks yummy for hunters, even bows that are the same, but drop in diffent colors, plus sets that are equivalent to 60 SG stuff, im looking foward to have a chance to raid on the team with you guys.
I'm up for this--still need my tier piece and maybe one other from Prince, and the healing weapon from Maiden would be nice if no fulltime healer happens to need it...
Hey Ug,
I would love to go. I can go for the full clear. I need things off at least half the bosses. I can switch in and out for ones i need and dont need also. Whatever is easiest.

Ug that will be great we can combine our efforts, what time did you have in mind.

I need the Prince myself and the shadow damage necklace.
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I am thinking that you lead the starting areas when you want starting at 12 or 1 st then I will take it from there. I am thinking of 3st for starting mine. What we need is to take the list that was posted of what people need and carry those people though. Doing it as a full run we will get people to start at the beginning that want loot at the end because they want to have first choice on a drop.
As of about 30 minute ago, Oddbob is 21.40.0 with 1302+healing and 116 MP5 while casting. He needs a new weapon (I have no healing weapon), new gloves and bracer. However, I have to work that day from 8am -5pm EST (5am -2pm server time). I hope you guys are still going after I get off.

He needs other improvements as well, but those are the most drastic.
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I will be a little late. My mom wants me to help her move stuff around... I hope I don't miss maiden =X