Questions about Tribe of Judah staff positions

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Please use this thread to ask questions about Tribe of Judah staff positions.

Read the list of available staff positions here.
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I am currently working with coldfusion and mssql (I learned Oracle SQL first, but have worked with mysql), the only problem, um where am i on the roster? I know I joined about a year ago, but my Username isnt on there...

EDIT: hmm seems I slipped into the inactive status, uh oh
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vibrokatana said:
I am currently working with coldfusion and mssql (I learned Oracle SQL first, but have worked with mysql)
Does that mean that you're interested in helping work on the upcoming Tribe of Judah web site? :D
vibrokatana said:
the only problem, um where am i on the roster? I know I joined about a year ago, but my Username isnt on there...

EDIT: hmm seems I slipped into the inactive status, uh oh
Send an e-mail to membership AT toj DOT cc with a short e-mail requesting to be returned to Active status.
I logged in and set the status to active, and updated my info while i was at it. But sure if you need help on the website I can help design the underlying stuff noone likes to stick their hands in, im just not very good artisticly.
Just let me know if you find a job for me. I've been taking from this community more than I have been giving.
Read through the positions, if something jumps out as something you can do, or something that interests or you feel led to do, jump on it.
dont knock it when you have it, I love working with sql... I should go for my iz007 but im too lazy to spend a few weeks studying for it... Ill probably go for it after college, by then the next version of the test will be out, fun.
I can help in at least one of the following 3 areas, that Im interested in at least.

A) Graphic Designer
B) Online Store Manager
C) RTS section leader

Whats is most important right now?
Arkanjel said:
I can help in at least one of the following 3 areas, that Im interested in at least.

A) Graphic Designer
B) Online Store Manager
C) RTS section leader

Whats is most important right now?
It depends on how much free time you have at the moment. :D I would say, out of the three, that we're most in need of a Real-time Strategy Section Leader. Thing is, that position is new and might require someone with a fair amount of free time to tackle all responsibilities involved therein.
I think I may pick up PHP programming on the side. I need to learn CS Stylesheets tho :(, TABLES ALL THE WAY! oh wait tables are obsolete :eek:
I would potentially like to take a shot at the Counterstrike section. Although I would not be able to do so at this time, I am much too busy with my School. I will Re-Post, or Email you (SirThom) when/if I am able to do so.
We've had a great response to our call for staff, which went out Tuesday night. If you're on the fence, don't hesitate to ask!

If you're interested in getting involved in Tribe of Judah, be sure to check out our Help Wanted thread and post any questions about staff positions here.

I want to fill the Staff Manager position before Wednesday, Apr. 23. The next few weeks following will be very busy and I'd like to have someone in place and ready to help out.

I want to fill the Staff Manager position before Wednesday, Apr. 23. The next few weeks following will be very busy and I'd like to have someone in place and ready to help out.
Not sure if it is too late but I like to assist in some fashion. Tek I will help out as best as I can.