The Great Big I am Attuned Thread


Active Member
So if you are attuned and meet the requirements for our Raiding Teams, listed below, post here.

Druids and Priests- +1,000 to healing; +85 mana per 5 while casting;
Paladins(holy)- +800 healing +80 mana per 5 while casting

+490 defense
Health > 11,000 unbuffed (pallys > 10,000)
Dodge/Parry/Block all to at least +14% each or combined >45% (pallys >50%)

Ranged DPS:
Mage, Shadow Priest and Warlocks-+750 Spell Damage to your class of damage
Hunters- +1500 attack power & spec'd Marksmen<Beastmaster is very nice in many ways but pets get eaten in Raids at this moment>

Melee DPS-
+1100 Attack Power unbuffed
+7,500 health unbuffed

Then we can see about setting up "Summer Time" teams.

Healers- Avesther, Champ, Citgrad, Dueteronomy, Gilga, Icthus, Hammerdrop, Laraptor, Mituba, Treebranch, Wall
Tanks- FJ, Goodwone, Meli, Mordos, Sandric, Sazul
Ranged DPS- Arakk, Baddwin, Nevi, Osirys, Zacchaeus
Melee DPS-Julienne, Proudfoot, Mindonrage

Attuned but not gear ready-Ondrael (Warrior), Azami (Shaman), Treehouse (shaman) Quantam (shadow priest)
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no he respecced for healing and doesnt meet the requirements yet, but I heard all those purples vendored well:)
yeah it was a clean list and you are supposed to post here to verify that you are attuned and meet req's. I dont know why they put you in the attuned but not gear ready lol, probably just to see what you said:P
+490 defense
Health > 11,000 unbuffed (pallys > 10,000)
Dodge/Parry/Block all to at least +14% each or combined >45% (pallys >50%)

Wheretoo is attuned, 504 defense, 10.1k health, 14.56/16.29/15.35 Dodge/Parry/Block
Mindonrage is attuned and meets requirements for Kara *he asked me to post for him*
I am attuned and gear ready for summer raid teams. Just got back from a family vacation too! It was a lot of fun, And I have only 1 more week of no raid vacation! Can't wait to see you all again in game.
Bax is attuned, but doesn't have the 1500 AP (that just because I chose to be the highest damaging spec for hunters, BeastMaster)

I also would like to say that Azami, Treehouse and ShadowTree have my approval to raid Kara with out the mins. They have proved over and over that they can do their jobs VERY well.