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  1. B

    Jehovah/Yahweh v. God the Father v. Allah

    I've seen Christians argue this on every board I've ever been to. So, let's look at the similarities and differences. I'm using the term "Jehovah" for the supreme being of the Jews, God the Father for the non-Gnostic Christians, and Allah for the Muslims. Jehovah-vengeful, moody, killed people...
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    Predestination v. Freewill

    Wow. Just got done reading the debate in the Asatru thread, and it got me thinking. My experience was with Baptist (fundy/Independant) and Roman Catholicism, neither of which "believe" in predestination. So forgive me Pop and ATown if I mess it up...but basically, predestination states that it...
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    Gay Marriage

    I am curious to hear what everyone thinks. Please don't read too much into the answers. 1-MM, MF, FF should all be legal marriages. 2-MF = Marriage, MM, FF are civil unions. 3-MF = Marriage, MM, FF should not be able to do anything. (many atheists are rough on polls, always reading more into...
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    So I was looking at answers in Genesis...

    And I was reading about the Ice Age. Back in the old days at X Christian School, the ice age was laughed off as secular bull poo. It never happened, and it was all a lie created by evolutionists. So, in reading their piece on it, I was wondering...where is the Ice Age mentioned in the Bible...
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    A Leo Question

    Something just occurred to me. (Yeah, I'm slow.) You said that it was likely the virgin Mary had no sex organs. could she then give birth? I quote Monty Python..."Where's the foetis going to gestate? You going to keep it in a box?" Not trying to be a jerk...I'm just curious.
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    "Daughters of men" and "Sons of God"

    God's Peon said: Please tell me if I am reading it wrong.  I am aware of the "dual creation" in Genesis...your points are interesting, because most apologetics that I have seen claim that the second one was just more detail than the first. Interesting. So...the way you understand it, God...
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    Response to Addled-Pit

    If I did not respect CC and everyone else here, I would be a bit more explicit. I posted these as legitimate questions. I'll change it. EVERYONE ELSE: Skip question 16 for all I care. I find it interesting that if you look back, the three largest Portestant denominations split over the...
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    These are questions from I would like to hear anyone's answers.  
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    Virgin Mary

    Leo, Rand, and other Catholics, Why is it so important that Mary remained a literal virgin? Seriously. (And for the atheists, I do know why it was so important. )
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    Someone asked me....

    Someone asked me, given a choice between a Christian (Protestant) Theocracy or an Islamic Theocracy, which one I would prefer. My answer is that I would prefer a Catholic one. There are many reasons. So what does everyone else think? From the CIA World Factbook: Christians 32.79% Roman...
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    The end times

    Jesus is going to return (or so I was told) when certain things were fullfilled. Israel becomes a nation. The word is spread everywhere. I would say both of these have occurred. One of the last ones (pre-rise of the beast) was that it was supposed to be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. So why...
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    A question of Hell

    Just curious to hear what everyone believes.  Obviously, there isn't an atheist one, because atheists don't believe in hell.
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    And...another one

    So do you think that there should be mandated prayer in school? (No one has made it illegal for students to pray in school, on their own; I am talking about school led prayer on a regular basis.) If you do think that prayer should be brought back, why? Do you think that the moral decay would be...
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    A better question

    X = 10 C = Commandments OK, ignoring that there are a few different versions of the 10 Commandments...Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish (not sure if Islam has a set too...that wouldn't surprise me, LOL)... AND ignoring that Ex. 20 and 34 and Deut 5 vary slightly...a shortened vewrsion of the...
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    Just something

    I got a PM telling me that my former avatar was unacceptable. I apologize to anyone offended by it.  
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    Another Question

    Tomorrow morning Jehovah appears to the world. He tells everybody that the Jews were right all along, Jesus was not his son. What would you do? Still follow Jesus? Or become a Jew?
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    A Bet

    (For anyone who does not know, Pascal was a philosopher who came up with a concept known as "Pascal's Wager."  It basically states that there are 4 possibilities: 1-Disbelief and God exists:  Bad since you'll go to Hell. 2-Disbelief and God doen't exist:  No loss. 3-Belief and God exists:  Good...