Search results

  1. Dukatt

    Stop Gnome hatred now!!

    Well it has finally happened. We all have heard of gnome punting and have seen for ourselves or even participated in it. Some of us, have been victim to it. But finally it has gone to far and the gnomes have had enough. Gnome Violence carried to far! Now I urge all of you after reading...
  2. Dukatt

    On the subject of a guild merger....

    There will be no merger. The people who were willing to have a guild in a ToJ free environment are already together in Sanctification. Those who still wanted to stay with the ToJ did so with Redeemed. We are still at the same impass that has been there all along. ToJ or members there in hold a...
  3. Dukatt

    The Love of Father and Son.

    This is the most motivating and moving act of love I have ever seen. I still have tears streaming down my face from watching the video. Please enjoy this as I have. (Make sure you view the video at the end.) [From Sports Illustrated, By Rick Reilly] I try to be a good father. Give my...
  4. Dukatt

    Hurry up and vote!

    ATTENTION!!!!! Please remember to come vote for class leaders at linky (Telassin for Mage Leader!!)
  5. Dukatt

    so in the meantime...let's dance!!!

    Numm, Numma...Because it is needed!!! Deep breaths...alright everyone dance with me!!
  6. Dukatt

    open apology continued

    Goblit and GP. You are doing the very thing you accuse tek of doing. This thread is one second from being locked. If you want, I can catalog a list of posts where people have been demanding a lot of things of redeemed and have left in anger (because I have read all of them). They are there. Quit...
  7. Dukatt


    Banana Phone! WOOT!!!!
  8. Dukatt

    Onyxia run!

    Everyone, Redeemed and Sanctification alike, I remind you that the Onyxia raid is on yet again for this monday and the sign up is available on the PHP site. LET'S GO PEOPLE!! There is a dragon needing to be slain!!!! *see duplicate post in the raid section*
  9. Dukatt

    International Talk Like a Pirate Day is today!

    Yaaarrr Linky! Enjoy!!
  10. Dukatt

    Attention Guild Members! (not spam)

    I am on a mission to be able to provide the +22 Intel enchant for guild members. I need 1200 Dark Iron Ore to do this! That is a ton of Dark Iron and i have no real way to gather that much. I know that we are using the dark iron ore to smelt and make FR gear for tanks but I would think that...
  11. Dukatt

    new mods

    CT CT raid update
  12. Dukatt

    Spell Caster Crit Gear ENJOY!

    Head Crown of the Ogre King Stats: +18 Int, +11 Spi, +16 Sta, +1% Crit Location: Dire Maul (North) Drop/Req: King Gordok Arcanist Crown Stats:+35 Int, +13 Spi, +10 Sta, +1% Crit Location: The Molten Core Drop/Req: Garr Cap of the Scarlet Savant Stats: +20 Int, +17 Sta, +2% Crit Location...
  13. Dukatt

    Priest Build Decision - Your input needed!

    My priest has just reached 45 and I am beginning to decide on my end game build. I have decided that being a heal bot is the way I will go but there are so many builds to consider. Here is what I feel is the best one for over all benefit to my group and a healbot. Build Linky My main issue...
  14. Dukatt

    so bored at work!!

    Let's Dance!!
  15. Dukatt

    linky 1 revisited

    Linky 1 revisited Just because I am bored at work again and thought this was funny!
  16. Dukatt

    tonight, Baron or Scholo!

    Tonight in honor of the fact that I am taking tomorrow off to celebrate my birthday will be hosting a first come first served Scholo or Baron run. So I need a healer, tank and two of any other class to help make this run a fantastic one! Please take in mind that this will be a great but serious...
  17. Dukatt

    Beriale - Leaving

    Members of Redeemed and TOJ: While in Vent this afternoon I made the following comment. "I am going to make a black character and put it in a white wedding dress. I will call him Dennis Rodman". I was then told by Michaelpi to not make racist comments. This is the most upsetting thing that has...
  18. Dukatt

    DKP correction needed :)

    I noticed the DKP site was updated but I was missing the bonus for having my FR gear up to snuff. :eek: Please let me have my 15 points, please, please, please..... LOL
  19. Dukatt

    Priest time

    Well now that I have Beriale to an acceptable point it is time to get back to work on my priest. His name is Syllaus and is level 42. If any of you are near or at that level and are looking for a priest to level with do not hesitate to ask! I am shadow spec at this time but can still rock the...
  20. Dukatt

    Gearing up (non-end game instance runs)

    Would you like the opportunity to run MC, ZG and Ony? Do you need that gear from Scholo, Ubrs, Lbrs and others? Well then look no further that is what this thread is all about. Nice sales pitch huh? The guild has asked for people to step up and help make the guild a better and a more fun for...