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  1. Alias

    Star Wars The Old Republic

    yeah... I liked Adam's name selection and I got it first neener, neener, neener ;) Bummer that we ended up on different servers, I have some other friends that started playing before me so I joined up with them.
  2. Alias

    Star Wars The Old Republic

    In case anyone decides to join an old time TFer in The Old Republic, look for my Jedi Thummim on the Perlemian Trade Route server. I am loving the class story line and there are a lot of great features. Hope to see some of you there
  3. Alias

    Star Wars The Old Republic

    the game play demos I'v seen feel a lot like WoW... but with lightsabers... There are some nice features I've read about (see: companions and crew skills) and it doesn't seem to have wasted development time with a lot of unnecessary aesthetic features (like houses and junk). I'm not...
  4. Alias

    Star Wars The Old Republic

    I know I am an unfamiliar face to many of you... but I used to be someone important. I haven't played WoW for a couple years now but I am planning to pick up Old Republic - the new Star Wars MMO when it comes out December 20, 2011! I wanted to see if any of my old TF buddies were thinking...
  5. Alias


    from ctrl-alt-del comic ***WARNING: LINK TO UNCENSORED COMIC***
  6. Alias

    Tone sighted!

    Although I'm currently enjoying LOTRO, I expect to be moving over to TOR when it comes out. We'll need to keep in touch and get on the same server.
  7. Alias

    If you're already tired of Wrath... can start looking forward to (paying for) ANOTHER expansion! According to mmo-champion it will include a major revamp of the old world including flying in Azeroth and access to those zones you always wondered about like Hyjaal, Uldum and Gilneas. More spoilers under the link and an...
  8. Alias

    Dual Spec Discussion (loot, raid expectations, etc)

    /lurk the other possibility that comes to mind for a pure dps class - mage/rogue/hunter/lock... is a hit based spec for bosses vs a crit or CC heavier spec for trash. (SV for trash and BM/MM for bosses?) I didn't know the talent trees well enough even when I was playing to know if there are...
  9. Alias

    Official WoW UI AddOn Development Policy

    is there any discussion on the WoW forums as far as Blizzard improving the functionality of the built in calendar? they seem to be willing to integrate many ofthe most popular mods so I would think they would be open to further suggestions on that front.
  10. Alias

    Make your own lolcatz

    I hear some people here are somewhat fond of those crazy lolcatz. LOLCats r funny n cute. Wif dis LOLMagnetz set, makin ur own lolcats iz vry easy. Just git piccur ov teh cat (or othr animal ov ur choosin) an use teh magnetz 2 build teh capshun rite on ur refrigerator. Cuz they r magnets...
  11. Alias


    well, there was lots of burning going on, but mostly of the icky-not-nice thingies
  12. Alias

    HELP!!! Anyone know anything about Micro Economics???

    oh geez... thats kinda rough Adam. Guess you needed a bit more help :p seriously though, nice job! At least your long hours are paying off
  13. Alias


    what is it that has you so busy John ;)
  14. Alias

    For Deer Hunters

    its amazing what any animal is capable of when threatened. Story (truth uncertain) from my high school science teacher of 2 kids trying to catch a rabbit and they managed to corner it in a grain bin. They cleverly planned their pincer attack and indeed one kid managed to grab the rabbit by the...
  15. Alias

    Resto Shamans?

    yeah, levelling elemental and resto at the end is a very sensible, effective plan. Levelling enhancement, and trying to go resto at the end is way more complicated... right J? ;)
  16. Alias

    Significance of a name

    Off the top of my head, Simon the Zealot - another disciple I think...
  17. Alias

    Share your WoW stories in comic form

    Anyone who reads the web comic 'PVP' will be familiar with Scott Kurtz. But he also has a web comic called 'Ding' following the adventures of Kissybear and his horde pvp buddies. He recently put up this announcement regarding his new plan for 'Ding'. He wants to feature the adventures of real...
  18. Alias

    Naxx. Raid progression.

    Yep, thats what Jason and I did when we were frustrated. It was a great experience and showed us the other side of things. I think everyone should, at least once, gather and lead at least a 5-man and it would probably lead to much better guild relationships regarding raiding.
  19. Alias

    Naxx. Raid progression.

    Alan ... /sigh... We had that discussion at length when the built-in first came out and decided it just wouldn't work out. I think the long story is in the officers forum, but the short story is here No thinking allowed, just listen and obey like Brian ;)
  20. Alias

    Is it really that simple?

    I accept that, though saved, there is still sin in my life. I think what Paul is warning us, in Romans 6, against complacency towards sin. The attitude that "I can go out and sin and its ok because God will forgive me" is not indicative of a truly repentant heart. In sharing the Gospel...