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  1. W

    Wyldcard's WAY #22 Christian e-zine up on CCGR

    By the grace of God, I was able to get issue #22 of Wyldcard's WAY done, and converted into PDF format. This issue is taking steps towards being a full blown Christian video game magazine. It still has a long way to go. Here is a link: Any feedback you have...
  2. W

    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    I am trying to figure out why the liberals are being such sore losers after losing to President Bush yet again. They spew their propaganda that he is dumb; however when he beats them, and they have more egg on their face, they are lashing out. President Bush reaches out to them, and they are...
  3. W

    Praise for completing my first video game

    Hey all. I have a little praise. I completed my first video game. I took some open source from the internet, and worked it into a much newer version of C++. It is a small ASCII Christian maze game. Not much, but I am thankful that God helped me finish it
  4. W

    Praise, and upcoming prayer

    Okay, I came over from My wife and I are feeling that we are going to be moving to TN before the year is up. We have been looking for a job for me in that area for about 5 months now. We know that we can not do this by our might, not by our power; it is only by God's. Saturday a...