Recent content by Mailliwivad

  1. Mailliwivad

    Any interest in new raid groups?

    That's ok, Thanks for your willingness to come John. We cancelled it anyways, because there was almost no interest, and I wasn't willing to go to sga without someone who really knew the fight...otherwise they would have expected me to lead, and I expect it would have been ugly. I ended up...
  2. Mailliwivad

    Any interest in new raid groups?

    Thanks for the tip. I've checked out pretty much every tankspot video on Naxx now, and it's nice to have some sort of idea what to expect going in.
  3. Mailliwivad

    Any interest in new raid groups?

    So I posted a Naxx run in Gem. For those who don't have gem and read these forums, I posted it for this coming wed/thurs, 20:00-23:00 server time. Hopefully we get someone who knows the fights, if not we might have to cancel it, depending on the confidence of our group. We'll see how many are...
  4. Mailliwivad

    Any interest in new raid groups?

    Thanks for the advice. Talking to some guildies, I am told my character is geared for uld 10 and EoE (Wow heroes actually says I should focus on uld 10 and toc 10). But I still want to head into Naxx for experience with the fights and experiencing the content. I might see if I can get into some...
  5. Mailliwivad

    Any interest in new raid groups?

    I just wanted to put this out there to see if there was any interest. After running many heroics (esp. H ToC) and trying to gear up my mage, I am interested in starting to do some raids. I don't have a lot of raiding experience and should probably start with Naxx. My primary motivation is...
  6. Mailliwivad

    John is on page 28 (Neirai), and that's the only one I am familiar with...then again, I haven't been on the server for a while.
  7. Mailliwivad

    Blizz downloader problem?

    Blizz Downloader got to 96% in about 30 seconds for me, stayed at 96% for about 10-15 min, then spent another 5-10 min or so getting to 100%. I don't care much for the blizzard downloader myself either.
  8. Mailliwivad

    Resubscribed...for one month

    After being off WoW for 5 1/2 months, I have resubscribed for one month during my Christmas break. I know I don't know those of you who joined our guild since June, but I hope to get you know you a bit over the next few weeks. Since I only had hit 60 about a month before I had to cancel in...
  9. Mailliwivad

    Dropping in

    Heh, Yah I suppose I should qualify that. My program, respiratory therapy, consists of two years of didactic, or in class teaching, and one year (11 months) of clinical, where we are actually in the hospital and manage patients in the ICU and ER, as well as some OR time. I am in the second...
  10. Mailliwivad

    Dropping in

    Hey, I just wanted to drop by and say Hi to everyone. It's been 5 months or so since I cancelled my WoW account, so I hope those of you who knew me before I cancelled my account still remember me. Just an update, I have been doing well with my program, although it has been a crazy workload...
  11. Mailliwivad

    I need help with a Mage build please.

    I will of course have more time to decide, but I was thinking of something like one of the following builds. I am favouring the crit build; However, I like the look of the fire build. The Arcane build is one which I would go for if I was going to start pvp-ing alot probably. I do want to get...
  12. Mailliwivad

    Scholo Run

    On our scholo run tonight (my first scholo run also), I was reminded of this movie I saw on the net. A two mage scholo run. (I know Angie is going to say"Nerf Mages" at this point). Anyways, it is pretty neat to see the level of coordination required to pull this off, not to mention the damage...
  13. Mailliwivad

    Taking a WoW Leave of Absence

    Hello All, I unfortunately have to inform you all that I am leaving WoW for a while. I do not make this decision lightly as I have greatly enjoyed this game, but even more so the people and the community and Christian fellowship aspects of this guild. Although I do not know many of you well...
  14. Mailliwivad


    We had a successful run in BRD last night, thank you all who came along, It was a fun run. Ken and Angie were great tanks, and I never died thanks to the great heals provided by Anita. However, I still have a bunch of quests left, so I will probably want to run it again soon. I am now on the...
  15. Mailliwivad


    Hey all, I still need to get BRD done (haven't done any instances since Sunken Temple), so I am hoping to get a group together tomorrow evening. I should be on around 8pm server time, so pst me tomorrow if you'd like to join in.