So we will have a Black Ops server...


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
Money part's dealt with, Seattle based servers are on backorder until the 17th / Wednesday, so just a few more days until we can hop on and not play against total scrubs who think diving into the ground like dolphins is considered skill. I'll see about making most of you TOJ guys admin just in case others aren't on.

Modes so far will be Domination, or a mix of the more strategic non-TDM/FFA game types.
Money part's dealt with, Seattle based servers are on backorder until the 17th / Wednesday, so just a few more days until we can hop on and not play against total scrubs who think diving into the ground like dolphins is considered skill.
I was drinking hot chocolate when I read that and I almost spewed (with laughter, not disgust) on my keyboard.
Well, they sprint and then tap Prone, which I guess is supposed to avoid fire and allow them a split second to get a shot off. I just shoot at peoples knees. /shrug

Looks like a baseball player trying to slide into home plate.
Server is up! :D

Look for "Tribe of Judah :: Christian Gamers :: DOM/DEM". Had a full house in minutes! :D
Yeah, PC only. :/ But rent it if you wanted to check out the gameplay in general.
Yeah, PC only. :/ But rent it if you wanted to check out the gameplay in general.

My sister has it...and I have MW2...I cannot justify $180 for a game only slightly different than one I just paid $60 a piece for...but I will watch it...and probably pick it up eventually...
Oh, and quick question, am I allowed to put the ToJ clan tag in my name? I didnt know if I had to have some special status first.
Tek... the dummies at treyarch didn't think when releasing the game, that we would actually know what server we want to connect to.... therefore there is no tool for a direct connect, and there isn't anyway to add to favorites unless you have seen the server in the browser.....