What games are you looking forward to?

Dark Virtue

New Member
September will bring Fable for the Xbox and Sims 2 for the PC.

Ah, and I can't wait for Half Life 2 of course.

So many good MMORPG's coming down the pipeline too. Darkfall, LOTR, D&D online.

So what are you waiting for?
Starcraft: Ghost, Halo2, World of Warcraft.

Those are the biggest on my wish list, right now.
HL2 I thinkn is all i am after.. And of course CS:S.

Other than that Killzone on the PS2, Gran Tourismo 4, Pro Evo 4, Burnout 3.
Battle for Middle Earth and HL2, mostly.

(and then you've got NBA Street 3, the new Zelda game, the new Mario Tennis, Timesplitters: Future Perfect, Tony Hawk's Underground 2...
Oh and D3F might be a reason to buy doom3.. but i doubt it... Especially if they get a TFC going on source...
Lets see, HL2, Halo 2, grand torismo 4, and empire earth 2.  On the long run, flight sim 2006 and ages of empires 3.  And I'll have to find some time to buy Steel battalion 2 for x-box.
Half-Life 2
CounterStrike: Source
Halo 2
Star Wars Battlefront
Not a game, but the Nintendo DS
Burnout 3
Age of Empires 3
HL2 of course, WoW, Starcraft: Ghost, MGS3, Halo 2, Full Spectrum Warrior finally being on the PC, Metroid Prime 2, and RE4. Probly more im forgetting tho :/
It's amazing how many WoW fans we have here.

Personally, I'm staying far away from it. Sorry guys, it's been overhyped. As much as I love Blizzard, I think this is going to be a flop.

There are too many other good MMORPG's on the horizon.

Besides, I'm afraid all the 1337 doodz from Diablo will inhabit WoW.
PS2: Armored Core 4, Terminator 3: The Redemption, Resident Evil: Outbreak file 2.

PC: Half-Life 2, Battlefield 2, (hopefully, Starcraft 2).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Aug. 28 2004,8:51)]It's amazing how many WoW fans we have here.

Personally, I'm staying far away from it.  Sorry guys, it's been overhyped.  As much as I love Blizzard, I think this is going to be a flop.
It is a flop, believe me.

I've been beta testing the game for over three months now, and in those months the game just completely stinks - they haven't added any content, haven't changed anything remarkable except for the worse, the world is so small it's ridiculous, and the environments all look the same. There's nothing to do, it's not fun, and the people there are incredibly rude. And yes, all that play the game are 13 year old b.net kiddies.


Paper Mario
Metroid Prime 2
Mega Man X Command Mission
X-men Legands
LOTR Third Age

Armored Core Nexus
Wild Arms Alter Code F

Kingdom Hearts COM
Final Fantasy 1+2
Guardian Heroes Advance(tentitive because of the whole devil mode thing)
Pokemon Leaf Green

DAOC Catacombs
Star Wars Battlefront

Lots of RPGs!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bowser @ Aug. 28 2004,12:42)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Aug. 28 2004,8:51)]It's amazing how many WoW fans we have here.

Personally, I'm staying far away from it.  Sorry guys, it's been overhyped.  As much as I love Blizzard, I think this is going to be a flop.
It is a flop, believe me.

I've been beta testing the game for over three months now, and in those months the game just completely stinks - they haven't added any content, haven't changed anything remarkable except for the worse, the world is so small it's ridiculous, and the environments all look the same.  There's nothing to do, it's not fun, and the people there are incredibly rude.  And yes, all that play the game are 13 year old b.net kiddies.


Someone else that doesn't believe the hype.

I was in the Lineage II beta and there was NO way I was going to pay for that crap.

Sorry, but if you can't get it right by Beta, there's no helping a game.
Uh you kinda missed the emote at the bottom of his post.

When im looking forward too...
Half-Life 2
Knights of the Old Republic 2

Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime 2
Legend of Zelda
Starcraft Ghost
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Aug. 27 2004,8:55)]So many good MMORPG's coming down the pipeline too.  Darkfall, LOTR, D&D online.
D&D Online sounds good. Too bad they arn't going to have all the classes. Probably Wizard and Druid will get the boot.(Sorcerers fit more in MMORPGs and Druids have shapeshiting/animal companions that might be hard to implement. I think Rangers have animal companions too but taking it out for them would not be that crippleing to them.)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Aug. 27 2004,8:55)]September will bring Fable for the Xbox and Sims 2 for the PC.
I'm sick of Fable.  I've been to Lionhead for a total of 4 weeks on 3 seperate occasions (one time for 2 weeks and two times for one week) and played Fable each time.  I've even completed it.  I'm not gonna buy it, and I can definitely see how full time testers get sick of games too

Not that it's a bad game at all! It's loads of fun! But if I never buy it, it'll be no loss.

I'm awaiting Halo 2