Uldaman run tonight - Thursday March 3rd, starting about 8:00 ...


I am taking Ryer (Hunter), Stoneheart (Pally) and Perin (Priest), all 40+ along with Daeder (hey Joel - surprise :) which is a 51 Pally

Me (60 Pally)
Ryer (42 Hunter)
Stoneheart (40 Pally)
Perin (43 Priest)
Daeder (51 Pally)

We should be able to make short work of it and get this instance behind us. This will be the second time I have been involved in an all guild instance run. Looking forward to it. Also looking forward to Zul Farrak at mid 40s and Maraudon when we have 47/48+ dudes :)
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Yeah, we had the pleasure of doing Gnomeragan together and it was a lot of fun. I hope we'll do more and more of these though I have to balance it with lvling my 26 Hunter ;-) I have to admit though that I have been leaning on my wife and daughter to help me through VC and RR elites so I can loot all the good stuff myself ;-) I plan on hording all the gear on a run through Stockades and Gnomeragan now that I am the lowbie with this guy ;-) Call it payback, Call it greed, but watch out for my bear, cause he'll make ya bleed.
I snagged a starving mountain lion as they have one of the faster attackes at 1.20. So I'll keep my bear and tiger now, Esua hit 28 last night and Allanon is sitting at 190 gold, got a long ways to my epic mount :( We didn't end up doing Uldaman due to some no shows, real life inserted itself and required full time attention.
Last night 40 of us managed to take down Lucifron in a multi-guild raid. This is the first Horde kill of Luci on our server. He dropped Tome of Tranquilizing Shot and Cenarion Gloves .

The tome is a hunter spell that attempts to remove an enraged effect from the target. You need about 3 hunters with this to kill Magmadar, who gets enraged once every 10 seconds or so.
Great fun, well we did finally get to Uldaman and we had a very successful run of the place (after a few forgot to set their home to IF so they could talk to TDK and get back to the instance quick). I think we ended up taking about 3 hours to complete from beginning to end, all the quests including the final power source for the necklace chain. Perin aka Gris had his work cut out for him but no one died though someone aggro'ed like 9 trolls, I thought that person was a goner! Good job, looking forward to Zul'Farrak and Maraudon with these guys.