Thursday - June 20, 2013

Part Time Player

New Member
Proverbs 4:23
Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.

I've been going through a series called "It came from within" and this verse really puts the whole study into perspective for me. Have you ever had one of those moments where you get to a "breaking point" and you say something or react terribly and you use the excuse "That's not like me"? I know I have. The problem is that is exactly who we are. Many times we as Christians have learned to filter what comes out of mouths and actions because we know what is right to say and do. The issue here is that, like any filter, will eventually get saturated and fail to work resulting in one of these outbursts of "uncharacteristic" behaviors.

In order to fix this we need to do exactly what this verse says. We can't just try to filter what goes in from coming out. We need to guard our hearts from the bad so that it never has the opportunity to get out.
Nice reminder - thanks - I can use this in a message coming up next month next month.