Thoughts on Healing in Kara


New Member
Alright, after spending 15-20 hours in Kara, I’m changing my thoughts on healing in Kara. First, let me say that healing is Kara is WAY different than healing in MC or BWL. Mainly because the mobs in Kara hit just as hard as the bosses in MC, but instead of having 10 healers, you only have 3.

The valets (valet's are single pull trash mobs) were hitting me for around 8K, and hitting the tanks for 4K. (non-crit) Ironstone got crit by a spectral performer for 13,000. We have found the only way to keep a tank alive during a valet pull was for Icthus, wall and I to keep HOTs on the tank, AND spam our biggest heals. (If a tank gets hit, then crit without a major heal in between, he is dead)

The boss fights are not only very long, but also very healing intensive. Take the Wizard of Oz event for example, you have Dorothy, Toto, scarecrow, lion, tin man, and the crone. (I don't actually remember seeing the crone, I was too focused on grid...) Each one of those mobs hit for 2K, some of whom have no agro list, so they are bouncing around all party members. This fight gets easier the faster you down bosses, but I’ve been going OOM before the first one goes down just trying to keep all the party members and tanks up.

In MC/BWL, I only used mana pots when things went horribly wrong, but now I’m using 2 pots per boss fight. Once I’m down 3K, i drink a mana pot to start the cool down timer. When I go oom, i use my innervate, by the time I go oom a second time, my pot timer is up, and I can use a second pot. For fights like the opera, or morose, I just need a much larger mana pool, and I’m willing to sacrifice some of my +healing.

In other fights, such as Maiden, we have to rely on HUGE HOT's to keep the tank up, because she stuns everyone. Unless the healers are in her consecration, they are out of the fight for what feels like an eternity. Raw +healing is a must on this fight. Mana isn't as much of an issue.

So all that being said, there are three main aspects healers pay attention to. +healing, mp5, and mana pool. Right now, in full healing gear (buffed) i am around +1,200 healing, 120mp5 while casting, and 8500 mana. (if you look at my armory page, I’m not usually wearing my healing gear, cause I’m farming primals, so don't call me a liar when you check my stats! Hehe...)

There are fights (like maiden and trash) where I need huge heals (I had a healing touch crit for 8963, and a rejuv hit for 1,146! Miriallia thinks i broke wow, mathematically there is no way that should happen, but i have a screenie to prove it!) But I think for most boss fights, I'm going to dump some of the +healing gear for +int and mp5 gear/enchants. I think I will drop below +1000 healing, but my mana will pop over 10K, and my mp5 should be around 140 very quickly.

There is also a trinket only alchemists can make/use that increases by 40% the amount health/mana you get from pots. With the amount of pots I’ve been using, this may be part of my endurance gear.

Sorry for the wall o text, but for all the healers starting Kara in the next week or two, I thought it might be helpful to learn from my experience. I would start working on a +healing armor build, and an endurance build.
Just for clarification, for my endurance gear, these are the stats I am going for in order of priority...


(I know this is not some ground breaking concept, but in the past i have never had to worry about endurance. When I can stay in treeform, I NEVER go out of mana! The need for large heals force me out of treeform.)
Although it has been over a year now, I remember my first run through MC with Holicron Knights. I had a mix of blue and green gear, specc'd healing. I remember going out of mana and using pots heavily. Then towards the end of last year, after replacing almost everything with purples and a patch or two that fixed some things, I would feel bad taking more then 10 water from a mage as the other 30 would never get used on a complete MC clear. Meaning as your blue and green gear gets replaced with the tier 4 and heroic gear, I think you will find you will get back to that end of MC period that we enjoyed where things were easier.
I agree with Plank.

However, there is nothing dropping for except a hammer off the Madien and then somethign off the last boss.

I disagree with Tree. I think it is +healing, +mana per 5, +spirit, then +intel. But that is as a healer. I find the +healing to help more than the extra mana in the long run. I am finding the +mana per 5 to be even better after a certian point. Spirit helps my 5 per.

Druids maybe different. We shall see.
I'm gonna put my two cents in and agree with Tree on this one. After a certain point, I feel that the value of mp/5 really begins to outpace the value of any other stat.

I'm currently sitting at: 877 healing, 125 mp/5 while casting (290 not casting) and about 8500 mp self buffed. I haven't had any problems healing up through the opera event in Kara. I need to not be cheap and actually get an enchant on my weapon, and I have a few pre-kara upgrades in mind that will put me around 1150 healing, 140 mp/5 while casting and 8600 ish mp self buffed stats. At that point, fully buffed and potted with a shaman and a paladin, I think I could get up to 350+mp/5 while casting and well over 500mp/5 not casting. That means even after i've burned all my tricks, I could still drop a 1600 pt heal every 5 seconds.

Even with my current stats and focusing strictly on hots in ToL, I'm very competitive in healing done with the other druids/priests/paladins that have 200-300 more healing than I have, where I have anywhere from 20-80 mp/5 more than they do.

I'll add more as I think of it. Once I'm done grinding quests, I think I'm gonna spec to full resto. I'm lacking a bunch of talents that would help right now like subtlety and improved regrowth.

Re: Maiden of Virtue - I think the easiest thing for MoV is just have a pally with Blessing of sacrifice on the tank, a few hots+the pally awake seemed to make the fight pretty easy.

In terms of stat value - I tend to look at the overall value of a piece. Obvisouly if i'm looking for some particular stat, I'll focus on it, but in general for me when determining the value of a piece I break down the stats as follows:

1 heal = 1 heal
1 mp/5 = ~6 heal
1 int = ~3 heal
1 spirit = ~1 heal

If you look at item pt allocation values, this seems like roughly what blizzard values each stat. However, as your +heal increases dramatically, the value of mp/5 and int increase a ton. My view also undervalues spirit a little bit, I think Item budget allocation values spirit at 1 spirit = ~2-3 heal ish.
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Spirit for priests is a bit more valuable with spiritual guidance and improved divine spirit. And it becomes even more so now that spiritual healing increases healing done by healing spells after spiritual healing and improved divine spirit bonuses have been added.

My healing is just over +1200 and MP5 at about 140 self buffed. I took improved divine spirit over empowered healing simply because I feel Imp DS is more imporant in 5 mans as it provides utility to more of the party then empowered healing.

I'll probably keep Imp. DS as I move into Kara and 25 mans and take a more supportive healer role over main healer. Empowered healing is an awesome talent in that it improves the modifier that effects +healing. As a matter of fact, with greater heals, you can get over 100% of your plus healing back.