Just in case you don't check the Empire side of the chapter forums, Grim (CfD guild leader) is thinking of creating a toon on The Harbinger and maybe creating a guild if there's enough interest. Kahiel has a sith named Amoryk (and also a Jedi on the republic side). I have a sin named Alerron on The Harbinger that is mid-30's now. I also have two alts: a warrior named Akkando and a BH named Maulkepi. My daughter and a local friend of mine that were playing Republic on Vrook Lamar are also playing on The Harbinger. It's a relatively active server compared to most of the rest.
Just thought I'd mention this in case anybody on the Republic side would like to play Empire. I'm doing lightside choices on all my toons, which I like better.
As always, I can be messaged here or via Steam, Xfire and Skype as usafa82.
Just thought I'd mention this in case anybody on the Republic side would like to play Empire. I'm doing lightside choices on all my toons, which I like better.
As always, I can be messaged here or via Steam, Xfire and Skype as usafa82.