SM Run on 5/25


New Member
I would like to get a group together to run SM on this upcoming Thursday. I'm trying to give everyone enough time so they can plan on hopefully not being busy that night. I would like to start the run at 7:30 Server Time.

The last couple of runs I've put up I haven't been able to get a group to go. Hopefully this is enough time to get a group as I know I've posted my last few on a last moment notice.

Thanks all and take care,

Thursdays aren't good for me in general, not sure about this specific thursday yet. If I can make it I would be happy to come along with Salveation. He has only run through 1.5 of the instances there, and I was really wanting to go back into SM with him so if I can make it that would be great! :)
Generally, Thursdays are fine for me, but this one may not be. I probably won't know until...uh, Thursday. Put Samage on the definate maybe list. If I'm on, I'll be there.