Random Fun on the Toj Server...


Official Internet Mom
Staff member
Had some unplanned fun on the Toj Server tonight! :) Cool!

Had some randoms round on the Toj Server Last night! Figured I'd post a few screenshots! :D Once again, I believe RaySoul was to blame for this random night of festivities! :p



Had some random fun on the Toj Server today! Figured I'd post a few screenshots! Click the spoiler to check them out! ;)







TF2 Rumble Livestream Planning:
I'm thinking of doing another Gameplay Livestream on Tuesday and I'm wondering if you guys want me to do one on your TF2 server. Is that okay? I also do my livestream on Rumble and sometimes Facebook because Lord forbid OBS would allow me to connect more than one platform without paying premium for other stuff to us to make it possible.
If you guys don't want to, that's fine. I just thought if that would be okay with you.
I mean, I've always wanted to do a live stream with your Server, like a special group of guests for my live stream.

I can just do a Livestream on Facebook and make it a video on Rumble. Again, are you okay with this? If not, that's fine.

REMINDER: However, I might not do the livestream since I'm doordashing with Dad to help him work on our family's income but if you do allow livestreams to be played in your server or not, that's fine. Just thought I let you know.
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TF2 Rumble Livestream Planning:
I'm thinking of doing another Gameplay Livestream on Tuesday and I'm wondering if you guys want me to do one on your TF2 server. Is that okay? I also do my livestream on Rumble and sometimes Facebook because Lord forbid OBS would allow me to connect more than one platform without paying premium for other stuff to us to make it possible.
If you guys don't want to, that's fine. I just thought if that would be okay with you.
I mean, I've always wanted to do a live stream with your Server, like a special group of guests for my live stream.

I can just do a Livestream on Facebook and make it a video on Rumble. Again, are you okay with this? If not, that's fine.

REMINDER: However, I might not do the livestream since I'm doordashing with Dad to help him work on our family's income but if you do allow livestreams to be played in your server or not, that's fine. Just thought I let you know.
It's fine with me but it's possible the trolls and serious talks we sometimes have (usually those are late at night after playing is done though) may end up with you having to defend Christianity and yourself from the world pressuring you to conform on your stream Romans 12:2. All true Christians will have to fight the world at some point but that doesn't mean one always has the time for a fight or has prepared for it with the armor of God Ephesians 6:10-17 .
It's fine with me but it's possible the trolls and serious talks we sometimes have (usually those are late at night after playing is done though) may end up with you having to defend Christianity and yourself from the world pressuring you to conform on your stream Romans 12:2. All true Christians will have to fight the world at some point but that doesn't mean one always has the time for a fight or has prepared for it with the armor of God Ephesians 6:10-17 .
I do my streams for fun and as a hobby for that and my videos but you're right. Of course, I do not care for being popular, as most creators would follow the crowd instead of doing what they do for the glory of God. Sometimes, hobbies should be kept as hobbies and honestly, your wisdom helps so much, sir, and I admire that. You have the godly spirit of a leader. Thank you. I'll do my best to keep this Stream nicely put. What you said to me here might set a good example for Christian Rumble Users too. However, I might not do the stream this Tuesday, it depends on when me and dad have Doordashing orders on Tuesday. We have to make money since he's being laid off soon by Hallcon.
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