I sent one out to you hmmm maybe Nov or Oct through email. It was titled here's the team. In addition to a couple of people that I have already recruited, I have a few more people I want to add myself but have not been able to get all of that accomplished. As I had sent you previously, I have been a bit overwhelmed. (Some very personal, some church related, and just some things driving me crazy.) I have quite a few things I still want to get more settled...... prayer team, bible study, lydias, and especially convention. We have a few people interested in each of these. Also right before the "Anniversary" it will be the national day of prayer so I am hoping to get that going as well. I will have a few hours over the next couple of days so hopefully I can get more of what I want done. I strongly believe in God's timing in all things and it seems to me that each project I start working on works when He is ready for it not when I want to push it more. I hope this answers most of your questions and any prayer members who want to add to this please feel free to do so.