People keyed, not on team yet


New Member
Just fyi, I am already keyed for Karazhan also. Wasn't sure how everyone was keeping track but thought I would start a thread for those not on the raid list yet to make it easier.

Thanks all,
Silly thing does not show me on the list of range DPS...

Better start getting Team 3 ready! After tonight many more of us will be keyed. WOOT
Beriale, you were not listed on the roster at the time my page updated the database. I have noticed over the last couple of weeks that it looks like the Guild Roster is not updated as frequently as the individual character profiles (and possibly only after maintenance periods). I'll do some digging to see how often it is updated.
That was quick. Found out that guild changes can take upto 24 hours to show in the armory which means it could take up to 48 hours to show on our site. You should show up when it refreshes tomorrow morning.
Joinyce, Jaq, Laraptor, Augustious and myself just need to run Black Morass and we will all be keyed!

Better have that third team ready to go since we are getting lots of people attuned! :)
Thanks to Tebran, Nevi, and Which-Walla-am-I? for helping Boozelm and I finish our key quest last night!
<freaks out about all the new keyed people and how to make sure everyone gets a chance to have Karazhan fun>

<freaks a little more>

<prays alot>