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It appears the 2.1 patch has gone live, looks like they packed a boat load of stuff into it too for a .1 patch.
Game Update 2.1: Customization
New Feature! The new Appearance Designer by AestheTech has been added to Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, and the Republic and Imperial Fleets. This kiosk will allow players to modify any feature of their physical appearance, except gender, including taking on a whole new Species. Players can also use the kiosk to access and unlock brand new character customization options. Subscribers get a substantial discount on all Appearance Designer changes.
New Feature! Dye Modules are now available via Artifice Crafting, some vendors, and the Cartel Market. They function similar to other item modifications. More details under Items and Economy.
New Feature! Collections provides a one–stop interface which is accessible from the Inventory Window or Cartel Market and tracks many items available from the Cartel Market, Packs (Cartel and Contraband alike), Cartel Reputation, and even Friends of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Pre–order, Collectors Edition, live fan events and more. More details under General.
New Unlockable Species! Players of any Faction, Class, or gender can now play as the Cathar Species! Cathar can be purchased via the Cartel Market or directly through the Appearance Designer Kiosk on the Republic and Imperial Fleets and Capital Worlds.
Renames Available! Players now have the ability to purchase a Name Change for Character, Legacy, and Guild from the Cartel Market.
Cartel Market
All Cartel Market Toy items are now Bind on Use. Previously, some of these items did not bind to the player.
New Items
The Eradicator's Mask is now available on the Cartel Market. Cost: 480 Cartel Coins
The Huttsbane's Garments are now available on the Cartel Market. This collection of adaptive gear with no modifications is available to any Class at level 1. Cost: 900 Cartel Coins
The Cathar Species is now available for all Classes! Cost: 600 Cartel Coins
Escrow Credit Transfers are now available for Free–to–Play and Preferred Status Players. Package denominations are available for 50K, 150K, and 600K . Each Package is a consumable that will immediately transfer the Package's set amount of credits from the existing Escrow Balance as listed in the Currency tab of the Inventory Window to the Inventory credit balance. This transfer does not affect Inventory Credit Caps. Therefore, newly acquired credits will go into the Escrow Balance as normal. For example, if the player has a Credit Cap is 250,000 / The player has 100,000 in their Inventory. The player purchases a 600K escrow package bringing their Inventory credit total to 700,000. Until the credits in the player's Inventory drop below 250,000 (the Credit Cap), the newly acquired credits will be funneled into Escrow. Cost:
Small Package – 40 Cartel Coins
Medium Package – 80 Cartel Coins
Large Package – 240 Cartel Coins
Players are now able to purchase a Name Change from the Cartel Market. Cost:
Character – 1,000 Cartel Coins
Legacy – 1,000 Cartel Coins
Guild – 3,000 Cartel Coins
New Appearance Options are now available in the Cartel Market. Cost:
Human Hairstyles 1 – 240 Cartel Coins
Human Hair Colors 1 – 180 Cartel Coins
Mirialan Tattoos 1 – 90 Cartel Coins
Chiss Customizations 1 – 240 Cartel Coins
Human White Eyes – 100 Cartel Coins
New Discounts
Permanent Reductions
The Carbonite Chamber is now permanently discounted. Cost: 480 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Display Titles is now permanently discounted. Cost: 90 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Display Titles (Account) is now permanently discounted. Cost: 150 Cartel Coins
The Gamorrean Axe is now permanently discounted. Cost: 300 Cartel Coins
The Major Experience Boost consumable is now permanently discounted. Cost: 90 Cartel Coins
5–Pack: Major Experience Boost consumables are now permanently discounted. Cost: 360 Cartel Coins
The Major Valor Boost consumable is now permanently discounted. Cost: 40 Cartel Coins
Temporary Reductions
Access Authorization: Section X is now discounted by 25%. Cost: 375 Cartel Coins
Access Authorization: Section X (Account) is now discounted by 10%. Cost: 900 Cartel Coins
The Fleet Pass (Single Use) consumable is now discounted by 33%. Cost: 60 Cartel Coins
The Gamorrean Axe is now discounted by 25%. Cost: 225 Cartel Coins
The Major Experience Boost consumable is now discounted by 33%. Cost: 60 Cartel Coins
5–Pack: Major Experience Boost consumables are now discounted by 20%. Cost: 288 Cartel Coins
The Major Valor Boost consumable is now discounted by 25%. Cost: 30 Cartel Coins
The Covert Pilot Suit is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 720 Cartel Coins
Unlock: Guild Bank Access is now discounted by 25%. Cost: 450 Cartel Coins
Unlock: Guild Bank Access (Account) is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 1080 Cartel Coins
Unlock: Galactic Trade Network Sale Slots are now discounted by 20%. Cost: 100 Cartel Coins
Unlock: Galactic Trade Network Sale Slots (Account) are now discounted by 20%. Cost: 224 Cartel Coins
Unlock: Additional Quickbar is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 200 Cartel Coins
Unlock: Additional Quickbar (Account) is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 432 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Hide Head Slot is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 280 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Hide Head Slot (Account) is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 620 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Display Legacy Name and Titles is now discounted by 50%. Cost: 50 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Display Legacy Name and Titles (Account) is now discounted by 50%. Cost: 100 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Unify Colors is now discounted by 40%. Cost: 210 Cartel Coins
Customization Control: Unify Colors (Account) is now discounted by 40%. Cost: 465 Cartel Coins
Orange–Yellow Crystals are now discounted by 33%. Cost: 600 Cartel Coins
All Level 15 Chestpieces are now discounted by 33%. Cost: 100 Cartel Coins
Bug Fixes
Silver–blue crystals sold on the Cartel Market now have appropriate translations in French and German.
Cartel Market Species Unlocks will now properly apply to accounts who have not yet unlocked their Legacy.
The Life Day Holo–Tree now displays the correct icon on the player's status bar when in use.
The Music Therapy Probe now correctly affects group members.
New Unlockable Species! Players of any Faction, Class, or gender can now play as the Cathar Species! Cathar can be purchased via the Cartel Market or directly through the Appearance Designer Kiosk on the Republic and Imperial Fleets and Capital Worlds.
New Feature! The new Appearance Designer by AestheTech has been added to Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, and the Republic and Imperial Fleets. This kiosk will allow players to modify any feature of their physical appearance except gender, including taking on a whole new Species!
New Character Customization options are now available! Players who wish to create a new character using a newly added customization will first need to purchase and unlock the Appearance Option on an existing character via the Cartel Market or Appearance Designer Kiosk.
New Feature Collections is a new feature which provides a one–stop interface accessible from the Inventory Window or Cartel Market:
Collections will track most items available from the Cartel Market, Packs (Cartel, Contraband, and beyond!), Cartel Reputation, and even Friends of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Pre–order, Collectors Edition, live fan events and more.
Rather than being limited to one character or Legacy, items tracked with Collections share across the entire account – all characters, all servers.
Once an item or gear set has been acquired on a single character, the player can use Cartel Coins to unlock that item or gear set for all characters on the account, with the exception of level 15, 31, and 43 Adaptable gear and Cartel Reputation items.
Decreased the instance population cap on Imperial and Republic Fleet Stations as well as several planets.
Removed the 13th Scar Character Customization Option for Female Rattataki Sith Inquisitors, as it was identical to Scar 12.
Classes and Combat
Players who are killed or rooted while using dive–based abilities (such as Scamper or Covered Escape) will no longer become indefinitely stuck in place.
The tooltip for Illegal Mods now properly indicates the Accuracy boost in the German version.
Crew Skills
Adjusted level 400+ mission rewards to provide Standard Quality crafting materials at a rate more comparable with lower level missions.
Failed Crew Skill missions will no longer return a blank Mission Reward Window in some circumstances.
Crafting Skills
Successful Reverse Engineering attempts will now grant the resulting Schematic and will no longer display the error "Insufficient Skill Level" if the Schematic is above the player's current Crafting skill level.
Reduced crafting material cost for level 401+ Premium Quality Schematics to be more comparable with lower level Schematic requirements.
Players with Artifice can now craft Dye Modules.
Adjusted all level 401+ Schematics to better balance the use of Artificial Microbe, Metabolic, Enhancement Agent, and Biological Compounding Chemical crafting materials.
Viral Residue is now a required material for some Biochem Schematics.
Reduced crafting material cost for level 401+ Premium Quality earpieces to be more comparable with lower level Schematic requirements.
Reduced crafting material cost for level 401+ Premium Quality Schematics to be more comparable with lower level Schematic requirements.
Gathering Skills
Removed Perfect Corbonic Crystals as a mission reward, and the vendor value has been increased for the crystals currently in distribution.
Removed Hollinium as a mission reward, and the vendor value has been increased for the Hollinium currently in distribution.
Slicing missions will now correctly populate the level 25–32 mission level drop down when reaching skill level 125.
Increased the number of Bio–Mechanical Interface Chips and Thermal Regulators provided as rewards for level 400+ Slicing missions.
Flashpoints and Operations
Players will now be able to free group members who are affected by General Ortol's Magnetic Shackles in Hard Mode.
Players below level 50 are no longer able to enter Operations.
Galactic Solutions Industries
Seeker Droid
Players are now able to obtain all parts for the GSI HMF–03 Exploiter, GSI EMP–02 Explorer and GSI PMP–06 Pleasure Speeder vehicles.
Items and Economy
New Feature! Dye Modules are now available via Artifice, some vendors, and the Cartel Market. They function similar to other item modifications:
It is highly recommended that all colors be previewed before the Dye Modules are applied to any piece of gear.
To add Dye to a piece of gear, simply open the Item Modification Window and place the Module into the new Dye Module slot.
Once slotted in gear, Dye Modules cannot be recovered, and removing a Dye Module will destroy it.
Gear that has been slotted with Dye Modules will still update when using the "Unify to Chest Color Theme" option, so only one Module (slotted into the chestpiece) is needed to maintain consistent coloration for an entire set of gear.
The Exceptional Powered Exoskeleton Body Armor and Environmental Asylum Body Armor now have the correct icon and appearance when equipped.
The Tionese Duranium Faceguard and the Prototype Balmorran Duranium Faceguard will now display properly when equipped.
The Collector's Edition and Security Key Vendors now sell Dye Modules.
Players can now obtain Dye Module Schematics from Galactic Reputation Vendors.
The description for the Legacy Global Convenience Unlock "Improved Priority Transport: Personal Starship" have been updated to better reflect their effect:
Level I and Level II Unlocks now state that they reduce the cooldown on Priority Transport: Personal Starship by 8 hours each to a minimum of 1 hour.
Level III Unlock now states that it will reduce the cooldown on Priority Transport: Personal Starship by 7 hours to a minimum of 1 hour.
Legacy unlocks that are purchased using Credits will now provide a confirmation window.
The Legacy Global Ship Unlock "Galactic Market Kiosk" is now titled "Galactic Trade Network Terminal" and the description has been updated.
Players will now be properly granted PvP Achievements for Solo Kills, Killing Blows, Total Kills, Damage, and Healing.
Missions and NPCs
Players who are in a group will no longer be prevented from advancing missions which require the use of their ship's holoterminal.
Augments are no longer taken into account when calculating bolster.
Players will no longer be able to use movement speed increasing abilities to get over the shield wall in the Cargo (final) room.
Added new tutorials for Collections and Dye Modules.
The tutorial indicator will now sort above some UI windows when a tutorial is available.
Subscribers will now see proper Unlocked indicators at Character Creation for Species that they have access to.
Whispers sent to an offline character will no longer be forwarded to an online character on the same account.
Companions with an active Customization Kit will now display properly in the Preview Window.
A background image has been added to the Character Sheet, Legacy Family Tree, and Preview Window.
Hovering over the Guilds button will now display the correct text.
Dark Side Corruption will now display properly in the Preview Window.
Updated the opacity of item tooltips to allow Dye Modules colors to be seen properly.