New laptop!

Sweet! Why did you get this just out of curiosity, did your other one break down on you? Also, I'm not sure if I like Edgy as much as dapper, it seems to have a lot more issues that weren't there before. Probably won't be a problem since it comes pre-installed though. Looks like a fun machine.
The other one is half-broken. I only got the one-year warranty on it, which was a big mistake. The battery got totally trashed a month after the warranty expired thanks to a nasty weather storm-- EVEN THOUGH I had it on a surge protector. So now it works, but only when you plug it in. Combine that with the fact that the battery had never lasted more than 45 minutes, it was gonna take 150 bucks to replace, and the fact that the laptop weighs 12 pounds and is too bulky to fit in a regular bag, and I quickly realized that I needed something to be able to take notes and write code on for class since the Beast wasn't gonna cut it anymore. So I saved up over birthday and Christmas and worked as a substitute receptionist on night shift for one of the university dorms over the break since the regular guy was going back to Malaysia, and got enough to buy the entry-level Gazelle Value with a 3-year warranty. So basically my old laptop becomes my desktop, and now I have something that is actually portable for checking email and doing my Java and shell scripting assignments. Plus I can wave Ubuntu around all my Macbook-using friends and maybe see if I can't entice a few to go dual-boot. ;)
Sweetness! Let me know how you like it, I might eventually get one since my lappy got stolen a little while ago.