murmur of labs

Ranged and healers stay out of his circle, spread out, and at max range. Tank stays in. Melee runs out for the sonic booms. Melee needs to run towards healer though, and not out of range. Everyone except the tank needs to bandage when possible.
Pay attention to his debuff he puts on you called Touch of Murmur if I remember correctly. If this goes on anyone, they need to run under the tent that is on the right side asap! It has only a 10 sec timer on it.
really, as long as you have some good dps in a melee form anyone can be on this boss, you all just HAVE to run out when he 'draws energy from the air' you have a couple seconds to turn around and get out of there. Its kind of a long fight. The other possibility is if you have a druid tank (with good stats and appropriate talent points) to tank him and let them stay in through his explosion, as they may resist his aoe. Best idea is to run out though :)

If you happen to have a rogue and whoever is tanking, you should both kind of watch yourselves, if you get his 'murmurs touch' debuff you will be like a bomb and hit anyone near you, so players should be aware of who has it and move away from others.

I was in a group once where murmur died and everyone run up together and someone had the bomb on them and killed 2 people, lol.

I suggest going with the first strategy listed on there rather than the alt one. I was also in there for the downing of murmur at level 68 with my BE. I was the only one in the group that was below level 70. I didn't see to many resists on him (or any other mobs for that matter), but they did occur. If you were planning on going into SL with a group, don't bring any more than 1 person below level 70. It is doable, just not likely.