Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe


New Member
With religion and science seemingly at the cross roads with groups continuing to become increasingly polarized I picked up Christian and Cambridge Professor Simon Conway Morris' book "Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe". In this book Morris attempts to develop a "theology of evolution" centering around the idea of evolutionary convergence (the idea that evolution from divergent sources tends to converge on similar solutions to similar problems e.g. human eyes and octopuses eyes). Essentially Morris provides the theory that God is the divine spark plug that gives rise to life (in replacement of autobiogenesis EDIT: having serious mental lapses at the moment try abiogenesis) with a design element behind evolution that inevitable lead to humans.

The book is not for the faint hearted as it is quite technical in places. It is also "quite openly" not a book that will support or even engage with YEC or intelligent design as the author states in the preface that evolution is true in similar style to Jerry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True" that was released recently.

I have just begun the book (and will provide details on it as I progress). I am however somewhat skeptical as attempts at integration have been somewhat twee in the past (e.g. God of the gaps, punctuated equilibrium, etc.) but Morris is very well respected so i look forward to learning his point of view at the very least. Will update as I read.
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Quote from Morris;

As a biologist I have no doubt Darwin was correct, but very oddly unlike other areas of
science there is a quite general feeling that, so far as evolution is concerned, that is
all there is to say. Really? In other sciences there seems to be no limit to
investigation: this morning’s answers always lead to this evening’s questions. Is
evolution any different? Could evolution itself depend on deeper structures, on deeper
realities? As I speak, the study of evolution seems stuck in a rut: tireless explanations
of what is now completely obvious. Recall the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley,
known as Darwin’s “bulldog”, ever ready to hurl himself at the throat of his enemies in
defence of his master. Perhaps today we need a more patient advocate willing to talk
about the wider implications? Let us imagine that evolution is more like a bloodhound,
acutely competent at sniffing out the best routes. To be sure Darwin
discovered the mechanism of evolution, but he never predicted the outcome. Let us
suppose, however, that evolution has ultimately one purpose, that is to make stuff,
atoms, what we are all made of – albeit very mysteriously – self-aware, so the Universe
can discover not only itself, but a cosmos that, though containing evil, is unmistakably
deeply and inexpressibly beautiful. Christians unequivocally insist on not only
remembering but also celebrating week by week the promise – and it was given by a
man, an apparent non-entity, a carpenter, who also spoke with quite unmistakable
authority. He proclaimed: evil is not permanent, and in its final destruction the world
will be transformed. I rather suspect that, when this happens, any scientists who are
still interested will go back to the primal equations that define the origins of our
Universe and see that, yes, sure enough, they too were written into the Story from the
beginning. But as Christians we have already been shown the open door to new
worlds. I can hardly wait.
Do you believe the Theory of Evolution is true?

I hope this does not sound like a cop out, even though it is ;), but this thread is merely a book review for an interesting book with a very interesting concept from a world renowned scholar. I am having a look at the book and reviewing it in relation to those interested in reconciling evolution and belief. As Morris suggests in the intro if you are a YEC or Intelligent Design it would be best to put it back on the bookshelf.

If you want to discuss my position on it I would happily respond to a PM as threads of this nature tend to result in flame wars. I may be somewhat slow in responding as I am on infrequently as I finish my studies but I will get back to you.

EDIT: rofl I posted an edit for the wrong post. Here I was thinking some one had deleted my community welfare notice. will repost edit in Help Me thread in pray request.
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