LFR Groups


New Member
In 4.3 an entire group will be able to que for a raid. With only 25 man versions being available to LFR at this moment that means that if 25 people were to create a raid, they could que for a LFR and all know each other and such. This could become much more vital if they open it up to 10 man versions in the future as people who are starting content in a raid can practice on the LFR version first (and still get gear) and then move on to the normal version once they've got the LFR version down. Yes there will be more mechanics in normal compared to LFR just as there are more mechanics in heroic compared to normal, but in my experience if you're learning new stuff it's good to take one step at a time.

This could be promising for our guild as well since from your other post Jayse doing the LFR dungeon doesn't lock you out of the normal dungeon. Assuming you can queue as a group (same as LFG) then on any given night we can take as many people as are online that can raid and do a run. It also sounds like you don't really get "saved" to the LFR raid in the same sense, you can go in and kill more bosses but you are only eligible for loot once, so we can do LFR groups more than once in a week.
Yeah and I know that I have several toons that would be interested in running the LFR version of Dragon Soul that I'd be there for many of those if there were several each week.