
New Member
Shadow Labs

Tonight after 5pm EST (2pm ST)

I will be on and looking to run the Shadow Labs....run and run and keep running until various things are accomplished.

1. Get as many people (including myself) the first part of the key quest.
2. The set piece, chest, item that has eluded my so far.
3. For me to learn this instance well enough that at any point and time I can assist new groups getting through it and getting their Key quest on it's way.

If I only get one group and that group wants to continue on to the second piece of the key then so be it. :) However my primary concern is the above list. Let me know if you are interested in going or simply hit me up in game tonight!
I can't make it at that time, but I will be looking for a Key group on Sunday afternoon / evening. I need the 2nd and 3rd parts but I am willing to help on the first part.

So if you aren't able to get it done tonight look me up on Sunday.
Excellent! I think that Sunday I could be prepared for the second and third parts. Thanks for the response. :)
I won't be on until late (9-ish server), but I'd love to run Shadow Labs if you're still around. I have the key fragment from there already, but am absolutely drooling over the Greatsword that Murmur drops.

My priority for the weekend, though, is to complete Black Morass, so that I can finally finish my Kara key quest.
mmm....shadoooow laaaaabs, Vooooorpiiiiiiiiil

Sure, if you catch me on, send me an invite. But alas, I won't be on until 5ish ST
I am planning on being on until 2am ESTor 11pm ST and running anything and everything. Now 70 w/ flying mount it is time to attune!
I'm always up for anything:) helped get augustious his key frag last night and got an AWESOME Dagger in the process, helping a friend out and getting rewarded by the loot table=about as good as it gets:)
I just want to thank all the members who stuck through and helped get me not only my first key but also the second as well as several upgrades to my gear! By the way the mage set shoulders look awesome!

That being said...anyone still needing their first two key fragments or wanting to go for the third, if you need a mage don't hesitate to ask me if you see me.

The shoulders look pretty cool...but the head piece...not so much...Nevi looks like a bowling ball (or the Juggernaught)