I'm glad you made it in, Kahiel! It's a fun game for sure and I like that there's no monthly fee. I'll look for you online and try to group up with you.
I made a new character Saturday night (charr guardian) and got it to level 80 by Sunday night. I didn't play for hours on end, though. I augmented the double-xp with birthday boosters, tomes of knowledge, an experience scroll, etc. I got him to level 37 with the tomes and scroll, then ran around the various borderlands with my other guild killing the various creatures and getting 1500+ xp each time. I also did a little EotM. When that got boring, I think I was around level 65 by then. I then spent some time finishing getting to 80 via cooking and artificer crafting. Total time spent was maybe five hours. That's definitely the fastest I've ever max leveled a toon. Now I'm getting him out to the temples to get some karma armor.