June 17th, 2005


New Member
Jesus said, "Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid."

-John 14:27 (TEV)

"ELOI, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" means, "My God, my God, why did you abandon me?" (Mark 15:34). Jesus quoted these words from Psalm 22 while suffering on the cross. Because he suffered, he understands our pain and suffering.

This has been a tough year for my wife, Elena, and me. We've known life's ups and downs and have struggled through many problems with our children. Sometimes we have felt drained -- spiritually and physically -- but we take comfort in two immutable facts: First, God became a human and experienced all the emotions we human beings feel. Second, although we may be riding an emotional roller coaster, God's promises rest on solid ground. God never breaks or changes a promise and is forever faithful to us.

Sometimes we question God because life seems to give us too much trouble, but we can trust God's word, which gives us hope when we need it most. Though we may feel forsaken as Jesus did on the cross, God has said, "I will never leave you; I will never abandon you."

Mark Carter (Maine, U.S.A.)
Dear God, when our lives are troubled, give us faith in your promises and trust in your abiding love. Amen.

I agree this Devotion especially is close to my heart.
With all the trials we are going through. I have to keep in mind that God will never leave us. He will guide me through anything. It is amazing just how encouragement comes by when you need it. Like this devotion