Ghallagher = fail.


New Member
So, I know I said I'd see you guys Wednesday for another Nef attempt, but I completely forgot that thats the day I leave for my business trip up to Washington until the next night. At least I am not a crucial role. I hope Raith shows up, and if Flames on, he can bring the deeps. Sorry guys, GOOD LUCK!

I thought all hunter specs had an interrupt though - Intimidation/Scatter Shot/Silencing Shot? I could be wrong because my current hunter is level 15... :p
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Scatter interrupts by disorienting the target, by the same logic blind should also interrupt as well as dragon's breath.
Scatter interrupts by disorienting the target, by the same logic blind should also interrupt as well as dragon's breath.

Ah, I see. In other words, useless on bosses. I didn't know if it contained a hard interrupt, or if the interrupt was simply a result of the disorientation.
Ah, I see. In other words, useless on bosses. I didn't know if it contained a hard interrupt, or if the interrupt was simply a result of the disorientation.

Right. That would count as a form of CC, and bosses are immune to that. Would be nice if they make scatter shot also act as an interrupt as well. Maybe since bosses are too tough for CCs it could just revert to a simple interrupt if the CC portion is ineffective. Oh well, hunter with no interrupt ftl :(
I was just messing with ya, tomato :p

I'm always glad to have a hunter in the raid, and you did great when you were with us. I'm hoping you know I was joking around - sometimes that's not always obvious over the internet.
Incidentally, I've rolled a Survival Hunter recently, and was wondering if there is ever a use for Arcane Shot. I'm only level 32 right now, but it seems like I'm always using Explosive Shot, refreshing Serpent Sting, or building up focus. Doesn't seem like there's time for Arcane Shot.
If we are talking boss fights arcane shot is only used as a focus dump when min maxing dps. But as you are leveling it's just a waste of time. But when you need that instant damage and you have the available focus (I.e. PvP) it comes in handy.

And of course I know you are joking. You are flame. :p
If we are talking boss fights arcane shot is only used as a focus dump when min maxing dps. But as you are leveling it's just a waste of time. But when you need that instant damage and you have the available focus (I.e. PvP) it comes in handy.

And of course I know you are joking. You are flame. :p

Cool - I'll leave it on my bar, but demote it to a less prominent spot then probably. Maybe it's cause I'm still low level, but I've yet to need a focus dump. I'm always struggling to raise it.