Fj's Kara team - first run details inside!


Tribe of Judah Staff Manager
The first run for this team will occur on the same night as Quantam's. This day is subject to change as needed to accommodate our raiders. We will start promptly at 6:30 PM ST on Friday March 30th. Please have your potions\food\etc. items ready by then and either be at Kara or be ready to be summoned to Kara at this time. If you need someone to craft your potions, cook your food, or prepare other tradeskill items for you please have your mats ready and we will do what we can to get them crafted for you.

Team setup:
Tanks: Fjorboug, Tebran*
Healers: Champoflight, Wallawinski, Icthus
DPS: Cassadine, Darkmoon, Melko, Young, Boozelm

*if Tebran is unable to attend then we will have Darkmoon offtank for us and invite Young to join us for an additional DPS.

Mods needed for Karazhan:
KTM, BigWigs, oRA2, some kind of enemy castbar like Natur ECB. <-- go here for mods!

**For any questions\comments\suggestions please feel free to contact me in-game or via the forums. Let's get ready for some fun everyone!
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Oops...that was supposed to be Cassadine...was prob dstracted by something or another...update above!
FJ. I told Icthus but I am so sorry I can not be there on Friday eve. I really really want to be. I have a performance for our Easter play at 7:30 CST. I will not be home untill probably 8 Server or 10CST. I am dying to have to miss my first opportunity. I will be available on both Saturday night, Sunday Night, or Monday Night. If we do it again. On April 3rd I leave for Florida for a week and will not return untill April 10 on Family vacation. When back I will be regular and good to go.
Not sure why we need a mod that shows the enemy cast bar. You can enable this under Interface options if I'm not mistaken....added in a previous patch if I'm not mistaken again...
The castbar shows when they are going to cast. Since most of them have instant casts it's nice to get a heads up. That's why you need it.
I wont be there tonight.

I am committed in an small white room with rubber walls.

Well, not really, but I cannot make it.
My team tonight consisted of:


As we were VERY short on tanks (1 total) and a healer short we added in some people for extreme DPS, hoping to help balance things out. This proved very difficult to do and thus proves that only a well-balanced team can be truly effective in Kara. We did however manage to take quite a number of the mobs before the first boss down (multiple times thanks to the respawn timer) and newer people got to experience how hard trash mobs can be in Kara. There will be a new team formed for the next raid which will occur on Wed. night, April 4th at 6:00 PM ST. Much thanks goes out to those who attended!