Do We Take Freedom in America Too Far?


New Member
We reduce human life to be devoid of meaning as witnessed through climbing abortion rates. Now this! I am astounded. All these could have been created without using real bodies. God told us of the amazing wonder of each of our creation in Psalm 139. The world seems to march on in desensitizing us to the importance of human life, not to mention the human soul. Shame on the American people for allowing this into our country! Shame on those who are able to sleep at night loving money more than the respect of a life lived. Four years earlier, about 11 blocks away, terrorists had this same disregard for human lives. Is it really any different? How do we awaken America, the sleeping giant? How do we begin to stop such atrocity?
Wow, I really don't know what to think. That is in bad taste as they could easily use fake figures that are just as effective.
What some people consider art is certainly not what I consider art. While these people are protected under the first ammendment to display such pieces, you are protected by the same ammendment to not partake in the exhibit and to protest against it.

IMO, after reading the article and skimming through the pictures, I have determined for myself I have no interest in looking into this exhibit any further. I don't see how this exhibit further advances the beauty of creation. This stuff belongs in the halls of sceince and in the text books of doctors to be. At least, how its presented.

I admit, I'm not sure what type of display would meet my criteria to call it art and something that glorifies God and his creation. Its not something I spent alot of time contemplating.
Art is supposed to:

1. Challenge.
2. Hold a mirror up to life.

It sounds like that piece fulfilled both criteria. It's not what I like, but then I'm not an Art luvvie, so that's not a surprise.

I do think it's a little odd, comparing the display of some 220 cadavers with 9/11 though. I don't think it's an atrocity - unless those corpses were freshly sourced without consent.

Ever visited Venice MArcylene? Guess what you find in all the churches there - preserved human corpses on display.
Unfortunately never traveled to Venice. However, on a missionary trip to Mexico, there was an ancient Catholic church that had the "body of Jesus" under glass, come to think of it! If anyone could contain a resurrected body, that denomination would be the one!

May we donate your body to art, Eon? MAYBE after your death?

sign here___________________
I actually think that exhibit sounds pretty cool. We talk about how beautiful and wonderful creation is, including the beauty of the human form, but rarely will you see the beauty of the muscular system or skeletal system all by itself.

The reason I don't have an objection to using preserved corpses for art is the same reason I don't have a problem with being an organ donor: if I'm dead, I don't need it anymore. I hope my organs save somebody's life, or at least that my corpse is dissected to train a surgeon who will save many lives. I wouldn't mind being a piece of artwork either! But I don't care to have my empty shell buried in an expensive box under an expensive rectangle of well-manicured lawn. What use is it? When I'm getting to hang out with God in heaven I don't think I'll particularly care what is done with my body.

However, it is certainly a question, if the exhibit came from China, of whether those corpses are legitimate or were "produced" specially for the exhibit. Art from cadavers is interesting, but art from murder victims is not.